Vultur percnopterus? Omelin. RachaiTiah, Bruce. Falco bidentatus,
Wings longer than the ta il; head, neck, breast, belly, upper part of
the scapularies, and tectrices of the wings, and ends of the remiges of the
tail, and feathers of the half-feathered tarsi, white. The rest of the
plumage black.
Harpyia— Cuvier.
Head and neck white; body brown, speckled with a darker colour;
breast brown, speckled with w hite; the ends of the remiges approach
to black ; nostrils wry oblique. The head of the! young bird is brown.
alco Occipitalis, Daud. Huppart, Vail: Bruce.
The whole bird of a dusky brown, with bands of a darker colour,
which bands are very indistinct on the back; the remiges are nearly
black. The belly and thighs are pale brown, with a reddish tinge.
From'the tip of one wing to the tip of the other, or envergure, 4J feet.
Length from the base of the beak to the tip of the tail, 1 foot 8 inches.
1. Lanius, proper.
Head, throat, half of the breast, back, tail, scapularies, and tectrices,
of a brilliant ruby-colour, shaded with violet; remiges of wings and
tail, of a deep brown ; belly, w hite; length, 6J inches. The plumage
of the female is a speckled brown. This bird comes to Mandinari
(about 11 miles up the River Gambia) only in May, and quits it in June.
2. Lanius—Division Plumatse, Bowdich.
Throat, belly, and breast, of a brilliant scarlet. Back and tail of a
dark gray, approaching to black; breast and head of a yellowish olive.
3.. Lanius—Division Plumatae.
Head, crest, throat, belly, and under pen feathers of the tail, white ;
back, wings, and upper part of the tail, black. Two of the pens in each
wing have a broad rim of white.
4. Lanius, approaching to Turdus.
Head yellow, with a black stripe on each side ; throat, breast, and
belly, of a bright sèarlet ;wi'rigs, back, and tail, black; the upper part of
the latter has a greenish tinge.
Tanagra—Sub-division Loriots, Cuv.
The upper mandible a little more elongated than usual. Top of the head
white, speckled with black; upper part of back and wings black; lower
part, tail, throat, and belly, of a reddish-brown.
1. Muscicapa—Division Tyrannus, Cuv.
No hairs at the base of the beak ; head and back of an ashy hue ; throat
and belly, pale brown, wings and tail of an ashy brown; wings mottled
with a lighter shade, and each pen edged with the same pale tint.
Envergure 10 inches. It is said to feed constantly on carrion.
2. Muscicapa—Division Muscipeta, Cuv.
Head, throaty belfy, under part of tail, tectrices, and qpper part of
remiges, of a pale verdigris green, slightly tinged vrith azure ; scapularies
of a brilliant azure ; a patch of azure at the bottom of the back,
which is of a reddish brown ; the long pens of the tail, green and black ;
lower part óf thè'remiges of the wing, azure and black.
3. Muscicapa proper, Cuv.
Head, throat, back, breast, belly, and under pen feathers of the tail, of a
deep brilliant yellow ; a black patch round the eye ; wings black,
tipped with yellow ; upper pens of the tail, black. From 8 to 10
inches long.
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