We cannot close our account of the proceedings of the Expedition
without expressing in a public manner our warmest thanks to the
officers who accompanied lis on our journey: the privations and
hardships to which they were exposed might have reasonably drawn
forth an occasional murmur; but these have always been patiently
and cheerfully borne; and we have- cause to be grateful, on many
occasions, for services which have materially contributed to forward
the objects, and facilitate the advance of the Expedition. To
Lieutenant Coffin, in particular, who attached himself as a volunteer
to our party, we feel ourselves under considerable obligations ; and
we should not do justice to the assiduity and regularity with which
he kept the camel-track, mentioned above, if we did not state that
it has enabled us to lay down the route with much greater precision
than we could otherwise have attained to*.
* The accuracy to which this method of computing distance may be brought, with
proper attention, will be seen on referring to the Table, p. xliv. in the Appendix.