very nearly so; the watch was pulled out, and when we had expressed
our surprise that it should be so much later than we had
imagined, we ventured to ask of our white-bearded visitor if it would
not be better that he should set out in advance, as he had himself
so very prudently suggested. Upon this the Shekh rose, to our
great delight, and after paying his adieus with the air of a man
who was wholly occupied with other reflections, he took the Doctor
aside, and with a significant half-smile upon his countenance, begged
he would furnish him with the exhilarating medicine which he had
promised him on a former occasion. The secret was disclosed which
had so baffled our penetration; Jfor the Dhbbah confessed that as he
was going home, from which he had been some time absent, he was
particularly desirous of assuming an animated and youthful appearance
in the presence of his young and handsome wife, who, he was
fearful, he said, had already began to fancy him a little too old for
her. He described this girl, to whom he had lately been married, as
uncommonly pretty and only sixteen years of age; and concluded
by saying he did not despair, Imsh Allah (please God), that with the
Doctor’s assistance, he might yet contrive to make himself agreeable
to h e r! Our chagrin was now succeeded by a violent fit of laughter,
which we freely indulged in at the old Shekh’s expense, and which
he bore very goodnaturedly: the Doctor was not long in preparing
the draught; and the Diibbah had no sooner deposited it in
his old leathern pouch, as safely as a glass phial could conveniently
be put up with flints and steel, musket balls, old nails and horseshoes,
which were usually observed to be assembled there, than he
mounted the gallant mare who had so well conducted herself the
night before, and brandishing his stirrups, rode off at full gallop,
well pleased with the result of his long-winded visit, and anticipating
all the wonderful effects of the cordial which the . Doctor had so
considerately bestowed upon him.