quartz 'reefs, being found at a distance of a few
The prominent features of the Great Zimbabwe
ruins, which cover a large 'area of ground, are, firstly,
the large circular ruin with its round tower on the
edge of a gentle slope on the plain below ; secondly,
the mass of ruins in the valley immediately beneath
this ; and thirdly, the intricate fortress on the granite
hill above, acting as the acropolis of the ancient city.
These we'will now discuss in their order.
When we reached thè Great Zimbabwe the circular
ruin was on. the inside a dense mass of tropical vegèt
tation ; creepers and monkey ropes hung. in matted
confusion to the tall trees, forming a jungle which it
was almost, impossible to penetrate, and added' to the
mazy labyrinth of walls a peculiar and almost aweinspiring
mystery. " <
It was the work of some days to. clear this off with
the aid of native workmen, whilst at the same-time
we proceeded with our excavations in the neighbourhood
of the tower and other prominent portions of
the building, ,
As for the walls themselves, they were nearly free
from vegetation, for, owing to the absence of mortar,
no lichen, moss, nor créeper could thrive on them,
and those few things which had penetrated into
crevices were of a succulent character, which formed
their branches to the shape of the'’ interstices. To
this fact is due the wonderful state'of presèrvation in
which these ruins are found.
What appeared at, first sight to be a true circle
JfcjTTL A to B o rn am en ts
eoctenxL on, o u te r •waiL .
0 . low e r feet, h i g h , .
E .JRjaxsed,TLatform..
F . L it t le Toyyer.
H . S t a i r s .
I . Wad,here is 7fe e th ig h , above
threshold,, and. 4-feet, below i t , .
M' M"Standing stones ]M'is 15 fl", W lO ftZ in ,.
1*. Centre erf a r c b e h in d , tow e r.
S .S o l e th r o u g h
■waJL 8 " sq u a r e ,
4 'ab o v e b a s e .
V. S e r e a r e c o u r s e s o f .
a reen , Chlorite S c h i s t
a lte rn a tin g with Granite.
W a lls with, m o r e r e g u l a r
c o u r s e s a r e coloured, d a rk e r .
F i g u r e s o re w a l l s g i r e h e ig h t , in , f e e t a b o v e b a s e .
L o n gma n s , Green, & Co., London, & IVew York,.
F. S .W eller.
Scale of Feet.
A . Winter S o ls t i c e .
B . Equino oc ■
C . S um m e r S o l s t i c e .
D e c o r a t io n ,