Emesa, Syria, temple of the sun
at, 171
Eratosthenes, historian, on
Arabian tribes, 195
Evans, Sir John, on ingot mould
found in Dalmatia, 184
Ezekiel’s denunciation of Tyre,
E a l l o w - p a u n c h e s , a wild tribe
of the Kalahari desert, 13
Ealmouth, ingot of tin found in
harbour of, 182; Sir Henry
James’s pamphlet on, ib.
Earao, Signor, governor of
Senna, on regal burials at
Magonio, 304
Eitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge,
cylindrical marble
object from Cyprus, 171
Eorbes, Major, destruction of
Kaffir village by, 260
France, mythical inhabitants of,
■Ga m a , Vasco da, Portuguese
explorer, 196
Gambidji country, 233; extent
of, 235; tattooed women in,
. 266
Gamitto, Portuguese traveller,
on lion worship, 290
Gasetsive, chief of Kanya, 8 ;
death and funeral of, 1 0 ;
visit to his widow, ib.
Gaza, kraal of, 274
Geographical Society, expedition
assisted by, 4; Museum at
isbon, 178
Girandali, native bearer from
Kunzi’s kraal, 272
Glaser, Herr Edward, Arabian
traveller, 195
Godobgwe stream, 48
Gona, village of, 220; larder
trees at, ib. ; savage ornaments
of inhabitants, ib. ;
growth of tobacco, 2 2 1 ; rice-
fields, ib. ; prosperity of kraal,
ib. .
Gouveia, a Portuguese half-caste
in ’Mtoko country, 278
Greece, mythical inhabitants of,
188 ; ancient legends of, 191
Gungunyana, Zulu chief, raids
of, 226
Gutu, Makalanga chief of Gona,
H a d ja r K e m , Malta, Cabiri
temple ruins at, 100
Hampden mount, isolation of,
Harris, Mr. F. K., Secretary of
British South Africa Company,
his letter to Chief ’Mtoko,
Hartley Hills, gold workings
near, 250
Hatasou, Queen of Egypt, ingots
of gold sent from kingdom of
Punt to, 187 ; native expedition
in reign of, 192
Hayman, Captain, conquers Portuguese
at Massi-Kessi, 326 ;
guns and ammunition captured
by troops of, 327
Heany and Johnson, Messrs.,
pioneer work in Mashonaland,
329; failure of their expedition,
Hepburn, Mr., missionary at
Palapwé, 23
Herodian’s description of the
sacred cone in Syrian temple,
Herodotus on the origin of the
phallus, 156 ; on the worship
of the Arabians, 159 ; on
Egyptian sacrifice, 176 ; on
the circumnavigation of'
Africa, 191
Hierapolis, Mesopotamia, temple
at, 100,154 ; phalli in temple,
Himyaritic supremacy in Arabia,
155; inscriptions, 195
Hippalus and his knowledge of
monsoons, 190
Hogarth, Mr., and the excavations
at Paphos, in Cyprus,
Holub, Dr. Emil, * Seven Years
in South Africa ’ by, 87
Horace on Arabian wealth, 193
Horapollo on the vulture, 153
I g u z t j , native servant attached
to author’s expedition, 240 ;
accompanies author to chief
’ Mtoko’s country, 263
Ikomo, brother to the chief of
Zimbabwe, 6 6 ; his kraal on
Zimbabwe hill, 6 8 ; taking
leave of, 76
Imiridzi, village of, 219; knitting
industry at, ib.~
Impakwe river, Mr. E. A.
Maund’s description of ruins,
8 8 ; Mr. Moffat’s account, 89
Inyagurukwe, native search for
gold at, 296
Inyamanda, arrival of expedition
at, 33 ; trade at, ib. ; scarcity
of meat, ib. ; villages, 34; rock
tunnel, ib. ; human vultures,
ib. ; flora of, ib. ; family
charms, 37 ; view from summit
of rock, 39
Inyota mountain, ancient gold-
workings in, 256
Inyuni range, as viewed from
Zimbabwe, 68
Isafuba game, holes for, 230
Tshmaelites, fetichism of, 163
J a m e s , Sir Henry, on tin ingot
found in Falmouth Harbour,
John II., King of Portugal,
equips an expedition to Africa,
Jomvga, a curious granite
mountain in Kunzi country,
Jumbo mine in Mazoe valley,
K a a b a stone at Mecca, 163
Kaffir beer, 55; language, 56;
cemetery near Zimbabwe,
1 0 4 ; habitation, 1 5 0 ; tribes
at Zimbabwe, 1 7 6 ; instruments
enumerated by Dos
Santos, 1 7 8 ; manufacture of
iron ingots, 1 8 4 ; death-wailing
in villages, 2 6 4
Kalahari desert route, 13
Kalimazondo, kraal of, 2 9 3 ;
interview with chief, ib. ;
camp of Mr. Selous at, 2 9 4
Kanya, road to, 7 ; town of, 9 ;
its inhabitants, ib. ; character
of scenery, 11
Karnak, Egyptian temples at,
1 1 7
Kerbela, Mohammedan burial
at, 1 0 5
. Khama, native chief, 6 ; cattle
disease in country of, 7 ;
migration of his tribe, 2 0 ; his
reputation, 2 2 ; his power
and intolerance, 2 4 ; . his
religious enthusiasm, ib. ;
prohibits beer-drinking among
his tribe, ib. ; his discipline,
2 5 ; interview with, 2 7
Kharabit, Sabæan king, East
Africa in possession of, 1 9 5
Kimberley, purchases at, 5
Kirk, Sir John, at Quiloa, 1 7 3
Kremer, Herr, on the solstitial
use of emblems, 1 5 5 ; on the
ancient cult of Arabia, 1 6 3 ;
his allusions to stone-worship,
ib. ; on the Arabian system of
totems, 2 9 0
Kum, Mohammedan burial at,
1 0 5
Kunzi country, description of
chief, 2 6 7 ; iron-smelting furnace
in, 2 6 8 ; hospitality of
chiefs brother Gwadeli, 2 6 9 ;
interesting relics obtained by
author, 2 7 0 ; woman’s dress of
woven bark fibre, ib. ; fetichism
in, 2 7 1 ; bathing and
washing, ib. ; chiefs wives,
ib. ; native fishing, 2 7 2 ;
dainty viands, ib. ; love of salt,
ib. ; hand-clapping and greetings,
ib. ; native bracelets,
2 7 3 ; Mount Jomvga, 2 7 5