lowered in temperature and so deposit much of their moisture
on this edge of the high plateau. A similar winter climate
seems to prevail in most parts of Mashonaland, the edges of
the plateaux receiving most of the moisture. Manica is
■situated much nearer the sea than Zimbabwe, and the country
there falls much more rapidly towards the east (it falls 1,400
feet m ten miles near IJmtali), and consequently the rainfall
there is heavier. Fort Salisbury is better situated for a dry
winter, for it is in the middle of a high plateau, and the southeast
winds will have parted with most of their surplus moisture
for that altitude before they reach it. The driest time of the
year in Mashonaland is from August to November. I may
mention that the greatest difference I observed in the readings
of the wet and dry bulb thermometers was 24° F. at the
‘Mshabetsi River, at an altitude of 2,140 feet, on May 13 at
2 p .m . ; the readings being 64° and 88° respectively. At
Zimbabwe during June and July the difference in readings
varied from 0° to 20° F.. and the dew point sometimes fell to
32° F. at midday. The extreme range of shade temperature
in the two months was 46° F.
List o f Stations in Mashonaland Astronomically
Observed, with Altitudes
By R o b e e t M. W . S w a n , Esq.
Mafeking . . . .
Ramathlabama River .
; At P a n ...................................
Kanya, 11 miles S.S.E of
Kanya . . . . .
- Molopolole . . . .
Molopolole, 4 miles N. of
I Klippan, f mile N. of .
Kurumurwa . . . .
i K h em i ...................................
Boatlenama, 15 miles S.E. of
Boatlenama .
; S. of Selinia Pan .
; N. of Selinia Pan .
: Near Hataloklu Vley .
S. of Shoshong
' Near Shoshong .
At stream . . . .
i Near Mahalapsi River .
Chuloan Vley
Palapwe . . . .
¡ At Lotsani River .
At Lotsani River .
At Lotsani River . ,
Near Elibi Fort
Near Elibi Fort
Latitude Longitude Heights1
0 i u mm ■./ // feet •
25- 51 1 25 41 0
25 37 57 ---
25 30 13 25 8 15 ---
25 7 2 25 8 15 3580
24 58 30 25 16 0 3750
24 25 30 25 21 0 4020
24 21 30 25 21 30 3872
24 17 12 — 4020
24 8 33 ,— 3570
23 50 8 — 3490
23 42 20 25 35 30 3540
23 32 80 3400
23 27 11 tA. 3120
23 20 51 26 3 15 3050
23 15 4 26 10 53 3140
23 8 47 26 19 30 3160
23 4 0 26 28 0 3310
23 1 57 26 41 30 3260
22 57 41 26 51 15 3240
22 46 0 27 6 30 3010
2 2 37 30 27 18 0 3150
2 2 32 45 27 21 30 2740
2 2 33 58 , 27 34 0 2480
22 32 37 27 46 45 2450
22 32 55 . 2300
— H 2230
1 The heights have been obtained with aneroid and boiling-point
thermometers, and with the exception of that of Zimbabwe, where we
stayed some time, are only approximate.