
thorax covered with long, pale ferruginous, silky hairs;
raeso-tibiiB and meta-tibia; beliind with a row of longish
ferruginous hairs.
Length, 9J lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Waikouaiti), Mr. Earl.
Family M e lo lo nthid .e .
R hisotrogus Z ealandicus.
Head dark brown punctured, smooth behiud; clypeus
yellowish punctured; thorax dark brown in the middle,
the sides yellowish, a smooth impression on each side ;
elytra bulging much on the side, with four longitudinal
lines, the suture smooth ; head, thorax and margins of elytra
with scattered brownish hairs ; legs yellowish ; foretibia;
on the outside with three largish brown teeth ; under
side of abdomen yellowish.
In one variety the back of thorax is free from hairs ; in
another the margin of elytra is brownish.
Length, 5 to lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson).
O donteia, White.
Head large; clypeus rounded on the sides, in front
somewhat straight, the edge slightly turned up ; antenme
eight-jointed, first joint as long as next two taken together,
considerably bent and clubbed at the end, with some stiff-
ish bristles directed outwardly and a fringe of delicate hairs
on the opposite side, second joint short, inserted on upper
part of first before the end, thickened and truncated at the
tip, third longish, sides almost parallel, a strong tooth directed
backwards at the base on the outside, head formed
of five leaf-like plates, first the shortest, next three equal in
length and thickness, third thickest, somewhat convex on
outside ; elytra almost covering the abdomen, sides close
to the base slightly bulging ; legs with the fore-tibia; with
three teeth on the outside, at the end very oblique ; tibiie
of hind-legs with two long spines on outside at the end,
in the middle hollowed out and on the outside crested
round with sharpish spines ; tarsi elongated, each joint
with several spines at the end.
A genus of Melolonthidie not far from Rhisotrogus.
Described from a male.
O donteia str iata . PI. 2 , / . 5.
Head brown, deeply punctured, behind smooth and yellow
; clypeus yellow, with a brown spot behind; thorax
deep brown, the sides and some other spots yellowish, covered
with longish yellow hairs, with some black intermixed
; elytra yellowish brown, with nine rows of blackish
punctured lines and a few blackish spots placed irregularly
between some of these rows, a few longish scattered hairs
on the upper surface ; under parts of thorax covered with
soft yellowish hairs ; under-side of abdomen yellow, varied
with black; legs yellow, with some blackish hairs and
spines on tibia;; tarsi blackish.
Length, lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Otago), sides of hills on flowers.
O do nt eia xa n th o sticta .
Head deep brown, coarsely punctured; clypeus brownish
yellow; thorax aud elytra covered with close-pressed,
yellowish brown, silky hairs, the surface beneath which is
deep brown, with numerous small yellow spots; underside
light brown ; legs paler.
Length, 6 lines.
Hab. New Zealand.
O d o nt eia cinnamomea.
Head deep brown ; clypeus yellowish, both sparingly
punctured ; the head behind with a smooth transverse line;
thorax and elytra of an almost uniform cinnamon brown,
covered with yellowish brown silky hairs ; under-side of
legs of a pale yellow; fore-tibia; with three bluntish teeth
at the end.
Length, 6 lines.
Hab. Neiv Zealand, on bushes.
E u som a , White.
Head rather large ; clypeus rounded, with the edge
slightly turned up ; last joint of palpi the largest, oblong-
ovate ; antennæ eight-jointed, first two joints thick and
rounded, third longish, very slightly thicker at the end,
fourth oblong, four last joints leaf-like, the fifth the shortest,
the last three nearly equal in length and thickness ;
thorax transverse, about the same width as elytra, the sides
somewhat rounded ; elytra covering the abdomen, sides
nearly parallel ; scutellum longish ; legs long ; tarsi very
long; claws simple ; front tibiæ on the outside with three
A beautiful little Lamellicom insect near Dichelony-
cha, Kirby.
E uso.ma R o s s ii. p i . 2, f . 1.
Clypeus yellow ; head in front and spot on vertex yellow,
space before and to the side of the eyes deep brown ;
thorax yellow, with three longitudinal lines in the middle
not touching the front margin, the middle straight and
naiTOw', the side-lines wider and somewhat waved ; elytra
yellow, with widish, deep brown reticulations ; head
and thorax with irregular punctures ; elytra with at least
nine rows of longitudinal striæ ; legs and under-side pale
Length, lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Kaudi).
P yeonota, Boisd. C alonota, Hope.
P yeonota fe st iv a .
Pyronota festiva, Boisd. Faune de I’Oc. II. 214.
Melolontha festiva, Fabr. Ent. Sysl. II. IGG, 48. OUv.
t. 5 , / . 48.
Calonota festiva, Hope, Col. Man. I. 40.
Head green ; clypeus notched ; antennæ ferruginous,
with a black club ; thorax smooth, green, shining, with a
brown dorsal line ; elytra green, smooth, with nine striæ,
suture brown ; body beneath testaceous, covered with
white hairs ; sternum pon-ect, somewhat horned.
Var. Melol. læta, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 11. 166, 49, OUv. t.
6 ,/. 56.
Above of a golden colour ; line on thorax and scutellum
of a red colour.
Hab. New Zealand.
S t e t h a s p is , Hope. M icron yx, Boisd.
S t e t h a s p i s s u t u e a l i s . p i . 2, f i g . 7.
Stethaspis suturalis, Hope, Col. Man. I. 104.
Melolontha suturalis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. II. 161, 25. Oliv.
t. 7 ,/. 85.
Micronyx chlorophyllus, Boisd. Voy. Astrol. II. 189.
Rutele chlorophylle, Boisd. I. c. Atlas, t. 6 ,/. 18.
Head green, unspotted, margin raised ; thorax smooth,
green, the margin slightly yellowish, behind bluntly angled
; elytra smooth, somewhat striated, green, suture
yellowish ; breast and abdomen covered with rvhite hairs ;
legs green ; tarsi ferruginous.
Hab. New Zealand.
Family T e n e b e io n id æ .
P r ioscelida, White.
Head small, transverse ; antennæ with the last six joints
transverse and considerably ivider than the others ; thorax
as wide as elytra, somewhat narrower in front ; anterior
tibiæ at base very narrow aud somewhat cylindrical,
on the inside dilated, on the outer edge serrated ; meso-
tibiæ on the outside with many short spines ; meta-tibiæ
quite smooth ; femora of anterior legs thicker than the
P rio scel id a t en e b e io n o id e s .
Pitchy brown ; thorax very slightly margined, polished
and very delicately punctulated ; elytra with eight longitudinal
striæ on each, the striæ distinctly punctured ; under
side and legs rather lighter in colour than upper part.
Length, 6J to 7 lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Waikouaiti), in sand and under
C il ib e granulosus.
Cilibe granulosus, Breme, Cossyph. p. 39, I. 7 ,f. 5.
Clouded brown, elongated, pointed at the end, smooth ;
head porrect, rounded ; thorax not sinuated, somewhat
convex, rugose, with the disk narrow, rugose ; elytra gra-
nuled, with many slight ribs ; the disk nearly obsolete.
Hab. New Zealand, Capt. Parry.
C il ib e p iio s ph u g o id e s .
Very deep brownish black ; antennæ and legs slightly
ferruginous ; head and thorax very closely punctured ;
thorax margined ; elytra very irregularly punctured, and
W'ith many very obscure longitudinal striæ.
Hab. New Zealand.
A species resembling the preceding in many respects,
but considcrablv wider.
O p a te u m t u b e r c u l i c o s t a t u m . p i . l , f . 13.
Covered with a light brow'n, sponge-like matter ; thorax
with the side-margin in front slightly sinuated ; elytra at the
base depressed, gradually elevated to beyond the middle,
then somewhat suddenly inclined to the tip, each with four
longitudinal costæ in addition to one close to the suture,
on which are some warts wider than the ribs, beyond the
middle of each is a tubercle higher than the rest, one next
the suture with this tubercle farther back than on the
others ; antennæ with the third joint longest.
Length, 6 lines.
Hab. New Zealand, Mus. Saunders.
Opatrum lævigatum, Fabr. Ent. Syst. I. 8 9 , 5.
Hab. New Zealand, Banks’ Cabinet.
Family H e l o p id æ .
A d e l iu m h a r p a l o i d e s . p i . 1 , / . 14.
Greenish olive brown, shining ; antennæ and legs ferruginous
; head and thorax very finely punctured ; the head
with two longitudinal distant grooves, connected in front
by a shallow transverse line ; thorax scarcely as wide as
the elytra, very finely margined ; middle and hind femora
with ferniginous hairs behind.
Hab. New' Zealand (AVaikouaiti).
Pseudhelops tuberculatus, Guerin, Rev. Zool. 1 8 4 1 , 125.
Obscure bronze colour above, of a blackish colour beneath,
in form very closely approaching Helojis caraboides,
but smaller, and a little more contracted behind ; head
and thorax very finely jninctured ; two very feeble, transverse
impressions on the head ; scutellum small, triangular
; elytra oval, convex, somewhat pointed behind, very
finely punctured, w'ith striæ of deep and oblong points rather
"close to each other; each elytron has behind and
near the end four oblong tubercles which seem to be formed
by the termination of the costæ, effaced on the disk of
the elytra.
Hab. Auckland Islands.
R ygmodus, AVhite.
Of an oval shape, very convex ; the head and thorax
bent down ; elytra longer and wider than the abdomen ;
legs longish and somew'hat flattened; clypeus subquadrate,
slightly notched at the end ; antennæ apparently eight-
jointed, the first long and slender, second roundish, third,
Iburth and fifth small, appearing to form but one joint,
sixth, seventh and eighth flattened and w idened, forming a
longish club.
Near Amarygmus.
R ygmodus mo destus.
Head, thorax, scutellum, under-side and legs black ; elytra
of a deep metallic green, with ten longitudinal, finely