
290. G e l e c h ia su b d it e l l a .
Gelechia subditella, Walker, Lcp. Het. XXIX., p. 657, n.
382 (1864).
New Zealand (Boss). Type. B.M.
299. GEc o ph o e a ilym a t e l la .
CEcoplioi-a hamatella. Walker, Lep. Het. XXIX., p. 700,
n. 97 (1864).
Ylucklaud (Oxleij). Type. B.M.
291. G e l e c h ia b if a o ie l l a .
Gelechia bifaciella, Walker, Lep. Het. XXIX., p. 657, n.
383 (1864).
New Zealand (Bolton).
Genus 108. C k y pto l e c iily , Zeller.
300. C k y p t o l e c h ia o o a ec t a t e l la .
„ Crjuitolechia coarctateUa, Walker, Lep. Het. XXIX., p
Type. B.M. ^gS, « 153 (1863).
Aucklaud (Oxley). Type. B.M
292. G e l e c h ia p e k o n e a n b l l a .
Gelechia peroneauella, irai/rer, Zep. i/rf. XXIX., p. 658, 301. C r y p t o l e c h ia o ol i.ig a t e l l a .
-ii. 384 (1864). Ciyptolechia colligatella, Walker, Lep. Het. XXiX., p
Xew Zealand (.5o/io7t); Auckland Type. B.M. 768, 154 (1863).
A very pretty black-speckled gi'een species. Xew Zealand [Boltoii). Type. B.M
293. G elechia a p pa r it e l l .4.. 302. C r y p t o l e c h ia l ic h e n e l l a .
Gelechia apparitella, Walker, Lep. Het. XXX., p. 1027 Cryptolechia lichenella, Walker, Lep. Het. XXIX., p
. . . . . . Y10CQY (1 8 6 4 ).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
294. G elechia oopiosella.
Gelechia copiosella. Walker, Lep. Het. XXX., p. 1028,
.Vuckland (Oxley). Type. B.M.
Genus 107. CEcoph o k a , Latreille.
Prie. d. ear., p. 146 (1796).
295. QLcophoea apee t el la .
Gicophora apertella, Walker, Lep. Het. XXIX., p. 698,
«. 93 (1864).
Auckland (Oxley). Type. B.M.
296. OiloorHORA a em ig e r e l l a .
Gicophora armigerella, Walker, Lep. Het. XXIX., p. 698,
w. 94 (1864).
New Zealand (Bolton). , This species is unknown to
297. OiCOPHORA adbmptella.
(Ecophora ademptella, Walker, J^p. Het. XXIX., p. 698,
)i. 95 (1864).
New Zealand (Boltoii). Type. B.M.
Only the primaries and thorax of the t)q)e remain.
298. OiCOPHORA picaiiella.
Gico])hora picarella. Walker, Ljcp. Het. XXIX., p. 699, n.
96 (1864).
New Zealand (Churton) ; Aucklaud (Oxley). Type. B.M.
69, n. 155 (1863).
New Zealand (Sinclair). Type. B.M
Very like the species of the genus Hjqmiomeuta.
Genus 109. I zatha, Walker.
Lep. Het. XXIX., p. 786, geii. 74 (1863).
303. Iz.ATHA attaotella.
Izatha attactella, Walker, Lep. Het. XXIX., p. 787, ti. 1
NeYV Zealand (Bolton, Sinclair). Type. B.M.
Genus 110. T ing en a , Walker.
Lep. Het. XXIX., p. 809, gen. 102 (1864).
304. T ing en a bifa ciella .
Tingena bifaciella, Walker, Lep. Het. XXIX., p. 810, n.
1 (1864).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
Genus 111. V anicela, Walker.
Lep. Het. XXX., p. 1039, (1864).
305. V anicela dis jun ctella.
Vanicela disjunctella. Walker, Lcp. Het. XXX. , p. 1039
New Zealand (Boltoii).
1 have not seen the type.
Family 40. GlyphypterygidyE, Stainton.
Man. Brit. Moths II., p. 362 (1859).
Genus 112. G lyphypteeyx, Hübner.
Verz. hek Schneit., p, 421 (1816).
306. G l y p h y p t e e y x e x t e r n e l LyY.
Glyphypteryx exteniella, Walleer, Lep. Het. XXX., p.
841,71.9 (1864).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type ? B.M.
The only example in the collection is from Auckland
and measures only 5 lines in expanse of wings.
307. G l y p h y p t e r y x s o in t e l e l l a .
Glyphypteryx sointelella, Walker, Lep. Het. XXX., p.
841, 71. 10 (1864).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
Family 41. A r g y r e s t h iDyE, Stainton.
Man. Brit. Moths II., p. 368 (1859).
Genus 113. A e g y r e s t h ia , Hübner.
Verz. hek. Schmett., p. 422 (1816).
308. A e g y r e s t h ia t e a n s v e r s e l l a .
Argyresthia transverseUa, Walker, Lep. Het. XXX., p.
849,71. 35 (1864).
Auckland (Oxley).
The tj'pe of this species is missing.
309. A e g y r e s t h ia s t il b e l l a .
Argyrosetia stilbella, Douhleday, Dieff. K Zeal. App., p.
289, n. 132 (1843).
Argyresthia stilbella, Walker, Lep. Het. XXX. , p. 849,
n. 36 (1864).
New Zealand (Sinclair).
The type is missing.
Family 42. G r a c il a r i id y e , Stainton.
Mail. Brit. Moths II., p. 374 (1859).
Genus 114. G r a c il a k ia , Haworth.
Lep. Brit.,pt. XV.,p. 527 (1828).
310. G r a c il a r ia fr o n t e l l a .
Gracilaria frontella. Walker, Lcp. Hel. XXX., p. 856, n.
41 (1864).
New Zealand (Bolton).
The type is missing.
311. G r a c il a r ia a r b n o s e l l a .
Gracilaria arenosella, Walker, L^ep. Het. XXX. , p. 857, n.
42 (1864).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
Family 43. E lac ih st id yK, Stainton.
Man. Bi'it. Moths II., p. 393 (1859).
Genus 115. E l a o h is t a , Treitschke.
Mur. Schmett. IX., 2, p. 177 (1833).
312. E l a o h is t a su b p a v o n b l l a .
Elachista subpavonella. Walker, Ljcp. Het. XXX., p. 898,
n. 94 (18G4).
New Zealand (Sinclair, Bolton).
The specimens are missing.
Family 44. F t e e o p h o r iDyE, Zeller.
Isis, p. 755 (1841).
Genus 116. P l a t y p t il u s , Zeller.
Isis, p. 764 (1841).
313. P l a t y p t il u s f a l c a t a l is .
Platyptilus falcatalis. Walker, Lep. Het. XXX., p. 931,
n. 15 (1864).
Auckland (Oxley). Type. B.M.
314. P l a t y p t il u s e e p l e t a l is .
Platyptilus repletalis. Walker, Lep. Het. XXX., p. 931,
n. 16 (1864).
New Zealand (Bolton, Sinclair). Type. B.M.
Genus 117. P t e e o p h o r u s , Geoffroy.
Hist. d. Ins. II., p. 90 (1764).
Pterophorus innotatalis. Walker, Lep. Het. XXX. , p. 945,
7i. 57 (1864).
Auckland (Oxley). Type. B.M.
316. P t e r o p h o r u s d e p r iv a t a l is .
Pterophorus deprivatalis. Walker, Lep. Het. XXX., p.
946, n. 58 (1864).
NeYV Zealand (Bolton). T y p e . B.M.
Genus 118. A c ip t il u s , Zeller.
Isis, p. 768 (1841).
317. A c ip t il u s f u e c a t a l is .
Aciptilus furcatalis. Walker, Lep. Het. XXX. , p. 950, n.
26 (1864).
New Zealand (Bolton) ; Auckland (Ooleij). Type. B.M.
318. A c ip t il u s m o n o s p il a l is .
Aciptilus mono.spilalis, Walker, T^ep. Het. XXX., p. 950,
n. 27 (1864).
New Zealand (Sinclair. Bolton). Type. B.M.