the sides nearly parallel, the end rounded ; legs long, simple,
anterior femora subclavate ; the middle aud hind tibiæ
somewhat flattened. (Isodera, White).
A ga pan th ida, White.
Head somewhat notched between the antennæ, palpi
rather long, antennæ scarcely the length of body, all the
joints but the second nearly of the same length'; thorax
spined on the side, rather broader than long, somewhat
rounded in front, truncated behind ; elytra elongated,
slightly narrowed behind the base ; femora clavated.
A g a p a n t h id a p d l c h e l l a . PI. 4, f i g . 10.
Covered with palish gray, somewhat silky scales ; base
of elytra with a roundish black spot on suture, in front
margined with deep yellow hairs, across the middle of elytra
there is an irregular, blackish band, not reaching the
margin, and interrupted in the middle, and a diagonal line
of yellow hairs near the end, with two black lunules behind
each, separated by a short, yellow line ; thorax with two
black spots above, one on each side ; base of the joints of
antennæ, beginning at the third, yellow ; basal half of
femora yellow.
Length, 6 lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Waikouaiti), Mr. Earl.
D orcadida, White.
Antennæ with all the joints but the first slender, very
slightly thickened at the end ; thorax longer than wide,
very straight behind and in front, upper parts and sides
with a few tubercles, the sides have a largish, pointed tubercle
on each side ; elytra pointed at the end, leaving between
them a deep notch ; legs and tarsi rather slender.
This, Cerægidion and Microtragus (White, Appendix
to Stoke’s Voyage of the Beagle), are closely allied to Dor-
D o r c a d id a b i l o c ü l a e i s . PI. 4, f i g . 11.
Dark brown, covered with very short, thickly placed,
yellowish gray hairs ; a roundish space in the middle of
the thorax and longitudinal line down the middle free fi'ora
tubercles ; elytra with a serrated, raised keel near to, and
parallel with, the outer margin, down the middle of each
elytron is a tubercular, raised keel, obsolete towards the
tip of elytra and in the centre enclosing an oval space ;
under side of body yellowish, sprinkled with black spots
and a widish black line down the middle of abdomen.
Length, 7 to lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Capt. Parry.
X ylotoles, Newman.
Xylotoles, Newman, Ent. p . 12.
Head prone, antennæ longer than the body, slender, eleven
jointed; thorax nearly cylindrical, straight on the
sides ; elytra of much the same width as the thorax, convex
on the sides, pointed at the end; legs moderate; femora
swollen at the end.
X ylotoles g r is eu s .
Xylotoles griseus, Westw. Arc. Ent. H. 27, t. 56, f. 2.
Saperda grisea, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 168, Syst. £¿.11.'324.
Xylotoles lentus, Newm. Ent. 12 ?
Lamia heteromorpha, Boisd. Voy. Astrol. t. 9 ,/. 14 ?
Griseous ; margin of scutellum and some very short lines
on elytra yellowish, base with impressed dots, tip scarcely
acuminated ; legs brown ; femora clavated ; antennæ
Hab. New Zealand (Bay of Islands), on flowers.
X y lotoles su b p in g u is .
Grayish brown, sprinkled with dusky spots ; scutellum
yellowish ; some spots on the thorax void of hairs ; each
elytron near the base with three small yellowish specks ;
antennæ sprinkled with minute, brown dots.
Hab. New Zealand (S. Island), Mr. Earl.
X y lotoles g ra c il is .
Slender, with a grayish pubescence sprinkled with
brown spots and a lunated, brown mark across the middle
of the elytra ; thorax nearly as wide as long.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Capt. Parry.
X ylotoles paevdlus.
Testaceous, covered with a grayish pubescence ; base of
elytra with several dots and four rows of small punctures
in two lines, extending to the middle of elytra.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Capt. Parry.
In Capt. Parry’s collection there is another species smaller
than the preceding, but so much rubbed and broken
that I cannot describe it.
X y lotoles bimaculatus.
Smooth, with two transverse, impressed lines on thorax,
one in front and one behind, middle of the thorax above
bulging ; the whole insect is of a rich brown colour, the
margins and posterior half of elytra covered with grayish
dov.-n, some spots free from it, a large depressed mark on
the basal part of each elytron covered with yellowish hairs.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Capt. Parry.
X y lotoles lynceus.
Saperda lyncea. Fair. Ent. Syst. II. 813, 27.
Head black ; antennæ brown, as long as body ; thorax
black on each side, with a ru.st-coloured point ; scutellum
rust-coloured ; elytra griseous, base punctato-sriated, tip
acuminated, diverging; body black; abdomen on each side
with four rust-coloured spots ; legs brown ; femora clavate.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Mr. Earl.
X ylotoles læ tu s .
Base of the elytra with several punctures, margin of suture
with a few depressed warts ; head and antennæ ferruginous,
with many grayish hairs, joints of the former (from
the fourth) ringed with black at the end ; thorax shining
violet, somewhat rough on the sides, with some spots covered
with yellowish hairs ; elytra shining gi'een, sprinkled
over with short, gray hairs, scutellum and a few small
spots across the elytra covered with yellow hairs ; abdomen
beneath smooth, polished, deep brown; the sides
spotted with yellow; legs somewhat violet, with short,
gray hairs.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Capt. Pany.
Thorax thickly punctured; base, sides and sutural margin
of elytra punctured, on each elytron are two small tufts
of hair placed longitudinally ; the whole of the insect is
clothed with a grayish pubescence, amongst which are
some longer and stiffer hairs ; across the middle of each
elytron is a triangular, black spot, extending to the posterior
of the tufts, a large, triangular mark common to each
elytron at the tip ; antenn® and tibiae banded with brown.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Capt. Parry.
C al l ipea so n , White.
Calliprasou, White, Dieffenbach's New Zealand, II.
Head behind the eyes not wider than the thorax ; eyes
very large, prominent, very slightly (if at all) notched near
the insertion of the antennae; antennae eleven-jointed, first
joint longest, dilated at the end, second minute, third,
fourth and fifth the most slender, third and fourth knobbed
at the end, the fifth gradually, and the terminal joints
slightly, dilated ; thorax longer than broad, narrowed in
front and behind, sides with a short spine behind the middle
; legs long, slender ; femora clavate ; elytra long, gradually
growing narrower towards the end, which is simple.
Cal l ipeaso n S in c la ik i. PI. 4, fig. 3.
Calliprason Sinclairi, White, I. c.
Stenoderus Sinclairi, Westwood, Arc. Ent. II. p. 27, i.
5 6 , / 3.
Above grass-green, beneath silvery gray, with silky
scales or hairs; abdomen reddish brown, where seen
through silvery gray ; legs, antennie and cibarial organs
reddish ; parts about tbe mouth with gray h airs; head and
thorax above darker than the elytra, in some places inclined
to blackish ; elytra strongly margined, margin yellowish
brown, upper surface minutely punctured, with three rather
indistinct, longitudiual ridges.
Length, 4y lines.
Hab. New Zealand.
Cal l ipeaso n "ma rgina tum. PI. 4, fig. 6.
Thorax above in the middle with two little spines, a
widish space down the middle transversely and irregularly
striated ; elytra above very flat and thickly but not deeply
pitted, the sides gradually tapering from the base to the
tip ; head above in the middle and two lines on the thorax,
one on each side, with short, yellow hairs, rest ol head and
thorax deep brown ; elytra deep, dull green, with a long.
narrow line of yellow on the side close to the margin and
extending from the shoulder to near the tip ; legs rufous.
Length, 9J lines.
Hab. New Zealand, W. W. Saunders, Esq.
Family C h e y som e l id ie .
Chrysomela brunnea, Fabr. Ent. Syst. II. 323, 75.
Thorax smooth, shining, with two blackish green spots ;
elytra testaceous, punctate, suture, and oblique line from
the suture blackish greeu, under side deep black; legs yellow
; this species varies much in colour; the above is the
description of the variety known to Fabricius; in some,
the spots on the thorax are very obscure ; the elytra are
testaceous, with a greenish h u e ; legs and under side ot a
uniform testaceous ; in others the whole of the insect is
deep black, with a greenish hue, the femora at the base
being ferruginous and the antennae tinged with the same.
Hab. New Zealand, on the flowers of the Leptospermum.
Deepish brown, with pale ochrey elytra and legs ; head
behind with a black band, between the eyes a testaceous
band, with a slight, impressed line in the middle ; thorax
deepish brown, margined with testaceous, thickly and
closely punctured; elytra pale ochrey, the margin of suture
deep brown, the basal half very closely and irregularly
punctured, the apical portion and margin with the punctures
in lines ; under side of body black ; tbe legs pale
Length, 1 | line.
Hab. New Zealand.
Family C o c c in e l l id .e .
I?ery deep black, spotted with yellow ; head black, with
two small angular yellow spots between the eyes, one close
to each eye ; thorax with a large, square yellow spot on
each anterior angle ; elytra with seven yellow spots, two at
the base somewhat elongated, one on the shoulder, the
other near the suture, next two before the middle, the outer
close to the margin, almost divided into two, the inner
near the suture and sharpish above, two beyond the middle,
outer next the margin and sharpish below, the last at
the tip ; under side and legs black.
Length, 2 lines.
Hab. New Zealand.
Note to p. 9.
“ L ucanus (P e io n u s ?) A n t il o p e .”
Lucanus (Prionus?) Antilope, Kirby, Zool. Journ. II.
70, PI. \ , f . 7.
Mandibles taken from a string of green beads, &c.,
brought from New Zealand, “ now in the collection of IL
D. Alexander, Esq., F.L.S., of Ipswich.” Kirby, 1. c.