
Family C e b e io n id ie .
A to p id a , White.
Head with the jaws produced, on the outside gradually
rounded ; antennae very long, filiform, first joint somewhat
thickened and flattened, the second joint small and
rounded ; the other joints nearly of one size, very slightly
thickened at the end ; eyes rather large and prominent;
head nearly as wide as thorax; thorax in front somewhat
wider lhau behind, but not so wide as the elytra, wider
than long, anterior angles sharpish, posterior rounded;
scutellum short, pointed at the end; elytra much elongated,
sides parallel, shoulders and tips of elytra rounded;
legs moderate ; edge of tibisB sharp.
This genus approaches closely to Atopa.
A topid a castanea.
Deep chestnut brown ; finely punctured with short hairs
proceeding from the punctures; antennie and legs testaceous.
Length, 4 lines.
Hab. New Zealand (on Kaudi).
Family C l e e id .e .
O p il u s violaceus.
Opilus violaceus. King, Alh. Berl. 1840, 391.
Notoxus violaceus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. I. 210, 2.
Pubescent, blackish, violaceous, shining; elytra smooth,
with three yellow spots, one at the base, two approximating
near the middle ; legs ferruginous ; femora black, ferruginous
at the base.
Hab. New Zealand.
O p il u s pantomelas.
Notoxus pantomelas Boisd. Voy. Astr. t. 6 , / 14.
Deep black, with a greenish hue on some parts ; in
some specimens there is a small yellowish spot about
the middle of each elytron.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Mr. Earl.
Family P t in id e .
A no bium t e ic o st e l lum .
Antenna; very long, with the last eight joints filiform ;
brownish, testaceous, covered above with a waved, short
golden silky pubescence ; each of the elytra with three
slightly raised, longitudinal costaa; thorax nanowest on
the sides, somewhat rounded behind and slightly hollowed
down the middle.
Length, 4 lines.
Hab. New Zealand, Mus. Saunders.
P t in u s su tu ea l is.
Pitchy brown; closely punctured with shortish hairs;
the suture with a pinkish hue ; legs pale yellow.
Length, 2J lines.
Hab. New Zealand (on flowers of Leptospermum).
P t in u s m d e in u s .
Ptinus murinus, Parry, MSS.
Very deep brown, with many irregular longish patches
of yellowish hairs.
Length, 2j- lines;
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Capt. Parry.
P t in u s p ilo su s .
Elytra nearly parallel ; light ash colour, with short, yellowish
hairs ; thorax behind as wide as elytra.
Length, I j line.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson).
Family N it id o l id e .
Very dark brown, with the elytra on each side of the
scutellum with a somewhat lighter spot ; legs with the
femora yellowish.
Length, I j line.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Capt. Parry.
N it id u l a l a t e e a h s .
Of a pitchy brown, closely punctured ; sides of thorax
widely, and sides of elytra nan-owly, margined with yellowish
; base of elytra near the scutellum yellowish.
Hab. New Zealand (Kaudi Wood).
N it id u l a abbreviata.
Nitidula abbreviata, Fabr. Syst. El. I. 348, 5.
Hab. New' Zealand.
Family H is t e e id æ .
S a pr in u s p seu d o -cyaneus.
Head black ; thorax purplish ; elytra and abdomen
deep green ; thorax near the margin closely punctured,
the points thickest in front, behind free from points, posterior
edge with a few punctures ; elytra near the shoulder
with two or three oblique, impressed striæ and several distinct
punctures at the base, behind with a lunar mark
of minute punctures suture, except at the base, with an
impressed line on each side.
Length, 2J lines.
Hab. New Zealand.
H is t e e cinnamomeus.
Smooth, deep, rich, purplish brown ; head in front considerably
hollowed out ; elytra near the sides with three
slightly curved, deeply impressed lines, and three shallow
impressed lines at the end of each elytron between these
and the suture.
Length, I f line.
Hab. New Zealand, Capt. Parry.
Family L ucanid.e .
D bn d eo bla x, White.
Head narrow, narrowest behind, in front widened and
truncated; mandibles, viewed from above, somewhat ovate
and bent at the end, hollowed, on the outside somewhat
angled at the end ; eyes very large, well seen from above ;
antennæ longish, ten-jointed, basal joint nearly as long as
the other joints taken together, the joints from the second
to the sixth short and roundish, somewhat angular
about the middle, the three last joints forming a roundish
head, the last rather the largest ; thorax not so wide as
elytra, with the sides in front rounded, in the middle considerably
notched for the reception of the head, side
angled 'in the middle, behind rather straight, middle
slightly convex; elytra very wide, edge slightly margined;
legs with the anterior tibiæ w'ide and strongly toothed on
the outside, tibiæ of middle pair toothed on the outside,
of hind pair much thickened at the end and hollowed
out where the tarsi are inserted, two long lobes on the
inside ; tarsi slender.
This genus comes near Lamprima and Ryssonotus.
D e n d e o b l a x E a e l i i . p i . 2 , f . 9, 10.
Dendrobius Earlianus.
Deep blackish brown ; head, thorax and elytra deeply
punctured ; head above, thorax above, in front and behind
with ferruginous, silky hairs ; scutellum with ferruginous
hairs ; elytra with four longitudinal flattish ridges, the outer
obsolete; under side of thorax and legs with many ferruginous,
silky hairs.
Length, 9f to 12f lines.
Hab. New Zealand, on the Hutt River, Port Nicholson,
Mr. Earl.
M i t o p h y l l u s i e e o e - a tu s , p i . 2 , / 3, 4.
Mitophyllus irroratiis. Parry, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond.
IV. 56, t. \ , f . 4.
Pitchy red, with dull black spots scattered over the
whole body ; mandibles porrect, recurved, in front sharp
and behind" denticulate ; antennæ with the three last leaflets
very much elongated and pilose ; thorax quadrate, not margined
; elytra nearly thrice the length of the thorax, of a
pitchy brown, reddish, punctate, with dull black spots
sprinkled over the disk ; femora thickened ; tibiæ one-
spined, serrated on the outside ; prosternum and nieso-
slernum simple, not produced. S
In the female the three last leaflets of antennæ are of
moderate size ; mandibles small, not much porrect, onetoothed
at the base ; body and thorax more rounded than
in the male.
Length, 4f lines, breadth. I f line.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson).
Covered over above with minute punctures ; elytra with
four indistinct, longitudinal lines, with fewer punctures on
them ; scutellum punctured ; anterior femora W'ith six teeth
on the outside.
Length, 6 to 7 lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Wellington.)
D o e c u s s q u am id o e s is . p i . 2 ,/. 2.
Black ; a lunated spot midway between the eyes and
another on the side of and behind the eyes, with deep
punctures and some yellowish scales on them ; thorax
with lateral and posterior margins and the side of anterior
margin with impressed punctures and yellowish scales in
them, and four spots on the back, the posterior ranning
into the hind margin; the elytra with a widish band round
each, formed by deep punctures and scales in them, and
four large spots .similarly impressed filling up most of
the surface of elytra ; scutellum with a smooth edge behind;
anterior tibiæ with four widish teeth on the edge,
the edge itself impressed.
Length, 7 to 7 j lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson).
L doanus e e t ic u l a t u s .
Lucanus reticulatus, Buquet MSS. Westwood, Proc.
Ent. Soc. April 1, 1 8 4 4 , Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. XVII.
p. 69.
Mandibles short, thick, bluntly toothed within, somewhat
depressed ; black, thorax subquadrate ; thorax and
elytra reticulated with scales.
Length, 6 lines.
Hab. New Zealand, Mus. Buquet.
Family A p h o d i id æ .
OXYOMUS e x sc u l p tu s .
Oxyomus exsculptus. Parry, MSS.
Very deep brownish black ; the lateral margin of a rich,
deep reddish brown ; head widely notched in front, above
smooth; thorax punctured, especially behind, in front
and spot on sides smooth ; elytra with the striæ very
deeply punctured ; anterior tibiæ W'ith three sharp teeth.
Family D y n a st idæ .
C h e ir o p la ty s Kirby, Hope.
C he iropla ty s ted noa tu s. PL 2 , / . 6.
Cheiroplatys truncatus, Hope, Col. Man. I. 85.
Scarabæus truncatus, Fabr. Ent. S y st.1.7, 16. Oliv.l.
1 1 , / 103.
Elytra near the suture hollowed out, smooth, with
a few slightly impressed lines running in different
directions ; scutellum with a row of rather coarse punctures
parallel to the edge ; under side of thorax with deep
ierruginous hairs.
Hab. New' Zealand.
C h e i e o p l a t y s p u n c t a t u s . p i . 2 , f . 11.
Head with a flattish, somewhat triangular projection on
the crown, behind W'hich are two rather coarsely punctured
depressions ; thorax with a protuberance in the middle of
the fore edge, depressed behind ; the sides of thorax with
two depressions on each side, the posterior largest ; scutellum
smooth ; elytra covered with punctures, some of them
arranged in lines ; the whole of the upper side very deep
blackish brown, the suture pitchy ; front of the head, under
side of body and legs pitchy brown ; under side of