
punctured striæ, the marginal not reaching the base, those
nearest the suture deepest ; head in front of eyes with two
impressed dots, above very finely punctured ; thorax with
the side-mai-gin somewhat hollowed above, hind-inargin
with two distant impressed points.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Capt. Parry.
R ygmodus P e d in o id e s .
Bronzy black ; elytra with ten longitudinal striæ, rather
deeply grooved, finely punctured and running up close to
the base ; clypeus straight in front ; thorax somewhat flattened
on the sides, with two distant impressed points behind.
In this species the legs are shorter than in R. modestus,
and the elytra are less attenuated behind.
Hab. New Zealand (under stones).
T itæ n a .
Titæna, Erickson, Archiv. F. Nat. 1842, 178.
T it .e n a E e io h s o n ii.
Head, thorax, legs and under-side of a deep black ; the
elytra purple ; antennæ, palpi and tarsi ferruginous ; head
and thorax ratter finely punctured, the latter with four impressed
points on the disk ; each elytron with eight rows
of punctured striæ which are greenish, the spaces between
are somewhat raised and divided into oblong tubercles by-
short transverse grooves, which are green, but not punctured
like the striæ.
Hab. New Zealand, Capt. Parry.
T a n ychilus, Newman, Ent. Mag. V.
T any' ch ilu s m e ta l licu s .
Above of a deep, metallic, shining green, darkest on the
head and thorax ; under-side of body and legs deep blackish
brown ; head with the eyes distant, above finely punctured,
a small, smooth space in the middle ; thorax very
smooth, with two or three impressions behind ; elytra with
eight longitudinal, closely punctured striæ, and one much
abbreviated close to the scutellum ; the five inner rather
deeply grooved, the three outer quite superficial.
Hab. New Zealand (Wellington), Capt. Pan-y.
Family D ia p e e id .e .
C h -e e o d e s , AVliite.
Head small, wider than long; antennæ twelve-jointed,
first joint thickest, oblong, second joint very small, almost
concealed, third joint rounded, fourth to ninth joints close
together, somewhat cup-shaped, gradually larger ; three
terminal joints wide, cup-shaped, nearly equal in size ;
thoraxt ransverse, very convex across, sides rounded, somewhat
angulated at the' side behind ; scutellum very small ;
elytra ovato-quadrate, sharp-pointed at the end, much
arched ; legs strong ; anterior tibiæ somewhat flattened,
deeply sinuated on the outside and ending in a longish
blunt lobe ; front tarsi with five hairy joints, the terminal
widest ; tarsi of middle legs with five somewhat elongated
joints, the basal the largest; hind legs with four soinewhal
cylindrical joints, the basal largest and thickest ; tibiæ of
middle and hind legs with two blunt spines at the end.
Near Phaleria.
C hæ eo d e s T ea ch y sc e lid es . p i. 2,fig. 12.
Pale yellowish, thickly punctured ; two largo obscure
spots on thorax ; the greater part of disk of elytra with
small obscure spots, in some specimens confluent ; tibiæ of
middle and hind legs at the end thickly covered with short,
somewhat rufous bristles.
Length, 3J lines.
Hab. New Zealand (AVellington), Mus. Saunders.
B o l it o ph .agus antakcticus. p i. 1 ,/. 12.
Thorax on the sides with three strong projecting teeth,
the fore and hind angles also shaip, six pointed tubercles
on the disk in two longitudinal rows, the disk itself covered
with closely placed warts ; elytra with three rows of
distant pointed tubercles on each, the side-margin at the
end with two or three teeth ; each elytron with eight rows
of punctured striæ. The whole insect is of a rich brown
Length, 3|^ lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Mus. Saunders,
P risto d eeu s scaber.
Pristoderus scaber, Hope, Col. Man. HI. 181, & p. 81.
Dermestes scaber, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 57, 16.
Hab. N. Zealand.
Family M o e d e l l id .e .
Deep black ; a small spot on the edge close to the base,
and a waved transverse band beyond the middle of each,
white, the shoulder with a raised ridge ; under-side of abdomen
with a few whitish spots ; head slightly hollowed
in the middle in front.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Capt. Parry.
Family M e la n d e y id e .
D eyops l in ea ta .
Dryops lineata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. II. 75, 4.
Lagria lineata. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 124, 3.
Pale ochrey; head with an obscure roundish spot on
the vertex ; thorax with three brown lines ; elytra smooth,
pale ochrey, with a wide brown vitta not reaching the tip ;
beneath pale ochrey.
Hab. New Zealand.
This species varies much in siz e ; in some specimens
there is only one bend down the middle oi thorax, in
others there is a brownish dot on each side behind.
D eyops s t k ig ip e n n is .
Very pale yellowish; tips of the mandibles black, between
the eyes brownish ; thorax with a blacki,sh streak
down the middle ; elytra with two longitudinal ribs down
each, not reaching the tip.
Hab. New Zealand, Mr. Colenso.
Family CEd em e e id .e .
S e len o pa l pu s , White.
Palpi of male with the last joint very large, subfalcate
and lunate at end ; head depressed and somewhat elongated;
mandibles sharp, curved, without teeth on the edge;
antennæ eleven-jointed ; second joint shortest, the other
joints cylindrical, the terminal somewhat thickened about
'the middle and pointed at the end ; thorax somewhat longer
than broad, rather depressed above, bulging out before
the middle ; elytra elongated ; hind legs with the lemora
bent and thickened and grooved beneath ; tibiæ flattened
posterior edge undulated ; in the female the last joint of
pal])i is not much wider than the preceding, and the
hind-legs are simple like the preceding.
S e len o pa l pu s c h a ly b eu s .
Deep steel blue ; the antennæ, palpi and jaws black ;
thorax in front and behind slightly turned up ; on the back
with two or three depressions; elytra finely punctured
with two longitudinal ribs near the suture.
Hab. New Zealand J).
S eleno pal pu s su b v ir id is .
Bluish-green ; the elytra with short depressed hairs ;
thorax above even.
Hab. New Zealand (?) Waimate.
The Dryops cyanea, Fabr. Ent. Sy.st. II. 75. 5, seems
closely allied to, this.
Family B r u c h id æ .
A n t h e ib u s in c e e t u s . p i. i,fiy . 6.
Thorax slightly rounded and ridged behind, in front
pointed in the middle ; above minutely and thickly punctured
and slightly grooved down the middle, sprinkled
with greyish hairs ; elytra with nine longitudinal striæ
deeply punctured, nearly obsolete at the end ; both the
elytra and thorax in unrubbed specimens are most likely
covered with grayish scaly hairs ; under-side of body
closely covered with ash-coloured hairs ; antennæ with
three terminal joints flattened and much dilated, the first
eight somewhat moniliform.
Length, 2J lines.
Hab. N. Zealand (Port Nicholson).
Family B e en t id a i.
B rentus cy l in d r ico en is .
Brentus cylindricornis, Pabr. Ent. Syst. II. 494. 9.
Beak dull ferruginous ; antenna: twice the length of the
thorax, dull ferruginous, with cylindrical joints ; thorax
rounded, bronzy black, very much polished, not chanelled;
elytra blunt, striated, ferruginous, with numerous short yellow
lines, which at the base, and tip nearly form a band;
femora toothed.
Hab. New Zealand.
B r en tu s b a e b ic o e n is .
Brentus barbicomis, Fahr. Ent. Sysl. II. 491. 1. $
Brentus assimilis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. 11. 491. 2. ?
Male. Beak very long, with a line of close-set hairs
beneath : elytra elongated, clubbed at the end.
Female. Beak .short, smooth below.
Hab. in the wood of Kaudi Pine. Dr. Hooker, Dr.
R h in a r ia s ex -tu b e e c u la ta . PI. B,fig. 8.
Black, covered with gray hairs lying in different directions
; two black streaks on thorax parallel with the sides;
elytra varied with black spots, continuous on the margin
and sutures ; each of the elytra with three large, somewhat
compressed tubercles, one near the base close to the suture,
one near the middle and rather closer to the suture than
the side-margin, the last near the tip and closer to the margin
than the suture; elytra with a slight tail and notch between
the suture and ta il; beak from the eye to the end
as long as thorax, slightly thickened at the end ; antenna;
as long as the head and thorax, situated midway near the
lower part; third joint the longest and most slender ; fifth
joint slightly thickened at the end; the next five joints
more so and flattened ; the terminal joint conical at the
end ; thorax naiTow in fro n t; legs with gray scales and
hairs ; two rings of whitish hairs on the tibia:.
Length, 6|- lines.
Hab. Port Nicholson, Mr. Earl.
This species is nearly allied to another New Zealand
species in the Banksian cabinet, the Curculio tridens,
Fabr. Syst. El. II. 537, 186. Oliv. Col. t. L3,/. 154 (Rhinaria
Family C u r c u l io n id .e .
B eachyolus, White.
Antennae longish, rather stout, funiculus seven-jointed ;
basal joint of antennae as long as the head, but not the
length of the other joints taken together; club ovate,
pointed, indistinctly jointed; beak short, considerably
thickened ; eyes oblong, not very prominent; thorax nearly
square, rather wider in front than behind ; scutellum
not visible ; elytra taken together cordate ; at the base of
each in the middle a tubercle directed backwards ; at the
tip bluntish ; legs short and stout.
This genus comes near Cyclomus and Otiorhynchus: it
is densely covered with scales.
B eachyolus pu nc tatus. PI. i,fig - 5.
Pale ochrey yellow ; thorax above rather deeply pitted,
behind brownish yellow ; elytra with a transverse yellowish
brown band, with many longitudinal lines of rather
deep points ; on each elytron near the end are two protuberances,
the innermost largest.
Length, to 3 lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Capt. Parry.