
to the 4thpaler; head narrovvish; thorax with the tw'o lobes
forming upper part not so distinct as in C. tuberculata,
tibise and tarsi paler than in C. tuberculata; the elytra
also are wider and less long than in that species.
Length, 5 to lines.
Hab. Nerv Zealand (Pott Nicholson), Capt. Parry. Mus.
Brit., from Mr. Earl’s collection.
Family Carabid.«.
C ym in d is d ie f f e n b a c h i i .
Cymindis Dieffenbachii, White. Dieff. New Zeal. II.
C. australis, Hombr. and Jacq., Voy.au Pole Sud.t. 1.
./■■ 7.O
f a brownish black, with the antennm and legs tawny;
the C. australis, Dcj. Spec. Gen. II. 449, is a very different
insect, distinguished from this by its size, colour and form ;
it is a native of Port Jackson.
Hab., New Zealand (Otago), Hombron and Jacquinot.
Lebia binotata.
Lebia binotata, Hombron and Jacq., Voy. au Pole Sud.
t. l . f . 8.
Head and elytra of a deep brown, each of the latter with
a longish testaceous spot, widest in the middle; thorax,
antennae and legs ruib-testaceous; apex of elytra very
slightly tinged with testaceous; elytra have several slightly
raised lines.
Length, 3 lines.
Hab., New Zealand, (Port Nicholson and Waikouaiti).
D em e t e id a , White.
Head as wide as thorax, narrowed behind the eyes,
which are very prominent; last joint of the palpi oval and
pointed; thorax longer than wide, narrower than elytra,
straight in front, gradually rounded and narrowed at the
end ; side margined, a deep groove down the middle ; elytra
narrow at base, gradually wider towards the end, flattened
above ; abdomen considerably longer than elytra;
tarsi with the claws small and serrated on the edge ; first
three joints triangular, fourth joint strongly bilobed.
D em e t e ia s (D em e t e id .a) l in e e l la , p i . 1 . / . 3.
Head smooth, but somew'hat rugose in front of eyes,
with the antennae and cibarial organs testaceous, behind
the eyes browmish; thorax testaceous, sides of it above
with a brownish band and finely striated across; thoracic
groove in front divided into three ; elytra testaceous, with
nine longitudinal punctato-striated lines, some of them
connected at base and tip ; a longish brown line near the
outer margin of each elytron; one or two spots near the
end of two or three of the inner strim ; legs and under side
Length, 4 lines.
Hab., New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Mus. Parry.
D em e t e id a nasdta.
Head produced in front, with the antennae rnfo-testa-
ceous; thorax rufo-fuscous ; groove down the middle, simple
in front, the upper part with many delicate transverse
striae; elytra rather deeply striated, deep fuscous; longish
spot on each shoulder; narrow side margin of each elytron,
and oblique spot at the tip of each serrated above,
of a yellowish colour ; under side deep brown ; legs yellowish.
Length, 3 lines.
Hab., New Zealand. Mus. Parry.
D eomiu s fossulatds.
Dromius fossulatus, Hombr. and Jacq., Voy. Pole Sud.
t. 3 /. 16.
Hab., New Zealand (Akaroa).
Actenonyx. White.
Head nearly as wide as the thorax, with large, but not
very prominent eyes ; antennae longish, with oblong joints;
thorax nearly as wide as long, straightish in front, and
behind, where it is slightly narrowed ; elytra very wide
and depressed, obliquely truncated at the end; tarsi with
claws slender and notsen-ated; a genus in form approach-
in Calleida.
A ctenonyx B em b id io id e s .
Entirely bronzed ; head and thorax greenish ; elytra
with longitudinal shallow striæ ; some of striæ near suture
with two or three punctures ; sides of head striated, in the
middle quite smooth ; two or three short rufescent hairs
above the eyes ; thorax finely striated on the sides of the
Length, 4 lines.
Hab., New Zealand.
COLPODES sd bmeta llicos.
Bronzy brown ; thorax w ith the side margins yellowish
; the side margins of elytra very slightly yellow ;
Head in fi'ont, with the sides with two deepish longitudinal
impressions ; the edge slightly recurved, scarcely
grooved in the middle ; elytra with straight grooves not
punctured ; the 2nd groove (from the suture), near the end
with a transverse, very short impressed line on the outside ;
near the margin a row of impressed points, closest near
the end; an impressed point near the end of 7th stria;
legs yellowish ; antennæ brownish ; under side of abdomen
Length 4f lines.
Hab., New Zealand.
P eistony chus castaneus.
Pristonychus castaneus, Hombr. and Jacq. Voy. au Pole
Sud. t. 2 ./. 1.
Hab., Auckland Islands.
P e isto n y ch u s b r ev is .
Pristonychus brevis, Hombr. and Jacq., Voy. au Pole
Sud. t. 2. f. 2
Hab., Auckland Islands.
C alathd s r u b eo -maeg inatus .
Calathus rubro-marginatus, Hombr. and Jacq., Voy. au
Pole Sud. t. 2 ./. 3.
Hab., Auckland Islands.
A nch omenu s elevatus.
Anchomenus elevatus. Parry, Mss.
Head in front, with a very obscure impression on one
side ; antennae and palpi ferruginous ; thorax with a deepish
groove down the middle, not reaching the fore or hind
margin ; the side-margin hollowed out, and a longish bent
groove on each side behind, fading away in front; elytra
with the grooves very deep ; 3rd and 4th, and 5th and 6th
connected at the end ; between the 8th and 9th a row
of impressed points, closest behind ; tibias and tarsi slightly
Length, 6J lines.
Hab., New Zealand (Port Nicholson)
An ch omenu s (Cten ogn athus) N ova! Z eela n d i.e .
Anchomenus (Ctenognathus) Novae Zeelandiae, L. Fairm.
Ann. Soc. Enf., 1843, 12.
Wingless, black, carapace cordate, grooved; margin
somew'hat reflexed ; elytra ovate, striated ; antennae, palpi
and tarsi of a pitchy red.
Length, 5 j lines.
Hab., New Zealand, Bay of Islands.
A nch omenu s C olensonis.
Head with very slight grooves in front, very smooth behind
; antennae of a brow'iiish yellow, the first joint palest;
thorax in the middle, with three grooves, the outer curved;
head and thorax of a deep brown, the latter ferruginous ;
angle of thorax behind quite smooth ; elytra very much
depressed, with very distinct longitudinal striai, third and
fourth and fifth and sixth united at the end ; between the
eighth and ninth is a row of impressed points ; they are
of a reddish brown ; the legs are of a pale yellow.
Length, 5 | lines.
Hab., New Zealand,—Colenso Esq.
A nchomenus deplanatus.
Head and thorax shining black; elytra dull black;
head with some rather large impressed points on the sides
in front, and a transverse impressed line behind the eyes ;
thorax in the middle, behind and in front with many close
strire, placed longitudinally; a deepish groove in the middle
and two very distinct, longish fossae behind, one on each
•side; elytra above depressed; tlie grooves not very deep;
the second, seventh and eiglith bent at the end ; a row of
dots near the margin ; legs black ; tarsi reddish.
Length, 5 lines.
Hab., New Zealand, Capt. Parry.
A nch om en u s a t e a t u s .
Anchomenus atratus, Hombr. and Jacq. Voy. au Pole
S u d .t.l.f.lt> .
Hab., New Zealand, Hombron and Jacquinot.
F e eo n ia (P latysma) pla n iu scu la . P I. 1 / . 7.
Very deep black ; the palpi deep ferruginous ; fourth
to eleventh joints of antennse covered with short brown
hairs ; front part of head above with an H-shaped imiu'ess-
ed mark ; thorax with a transverse, impressed line in front;
another down the middle, deepest behind ; two very deep
impressed spots near the posterior angles, from each of
which proceeds a ferruginous h a ir; elytra with seven longitudinal,
straight punctured sln a :; the lateral deepest,
the space between each very flat and smooth, except behind,
where each is narrowed and raised ; the striae there
beinti widened and more coarsely punctured; the sides ol
elytra rather deeply sunk and with a row of cateiuilate
points ; hairs on tibia; and tarsi ferruginous.
Length, 12|-to 13 lines. „ „ n •.
Hab , New Zealand (Wellington) Capt. Parry, Mus. Bnt.
S var. Mr. Earl.
F e eo n ia (P latysma) v ig il .
Very deep black; hairs on antennae, tibia; and tarsi
ferruginous ; head and thorax very delicately and irregularly
striated ; head with an H-shaped impressed mark m
front; thorax with an impressed, transverse, somewhat
bent line in front; a straight one down the middle, deepest
behind, but not reaching the posterior margin ; two
deep impressions near the posterior angle of thorax ; elytra
short, with seven longitudinal stria:, the spaces between
slightly raised ; the lateral margin depressed with a ca-
tenulate row' of points.
Length, 10|- lines.
Hab., Port Nicholson, New Zealand. Capt. Parry.
F e eo n ia (P la ty sm a .?) A u s tea la sle .
Feronia (Platysma?) Australasia:, Guerin Rev. Zool. Cut.
Abax Australasia;, Hombr. and Jacq. Voy. au Pole Sud.
t. 2 ./. 13.
Obscure bronze colour above, black beneath ; head
smooth, with two feeble impressions in front between
the antenna;; palpi elongated, with the last joint quite
cylindrical and somewhat obliquely truncated at the end ;
antenna; with four first joints smooth and black, the others
hairy and brow'nish tow'ards the en d ; thorax somewhat
flattened, wider than the head, smooth, margined; contracted
and somewhat sinuated behind; very slightly
notched on the hind margin, with a longitudinal groove m
the middle and a large fossa on each side behind ; scutellum
triangular, much wider than long, with longitudinal
wrinkles at the base ; elytra rather wider than the thorax,
at their base slightly widened; rounded on the sides towards
tlie middle ; very feebly sinuated towards the end ;
each has nine punctured strim, the spaces between considerably
raised; two or three large impressed points be-
tiveen the second and third, fourth and fifth and sixth and