
Piedisca morosana, Wlk., Lep. Het. X X V I I I . , 382, n.
84 (1863).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
Very much like T. servajia.
233. Teeas antiquana.
Teras antiquana, Wlk., Lep. Het. XXVIII., p. 307, n. 81
Sciaphila fusiferana. Walker, Lep. Het. XXVIII., p. 355,
n. 70 (1863).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
AUied to T. servana.
234. Tesas congestana.
Teras congestana. Walker, Lep. Het. XXVIII., p. 308, n.
82 (1863).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
Apparently only a dark example of T. priscana.
235. Teeas ? Maoeiana.
Teras ? Maoriana, Walker, Lep. Het. XXVIII., p. 308, n.
83 (1863).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
236. Teeas ? aooensana.
Teras ? aocensana, Wlk., Lep. Het. XXX., p. 983 (1864).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
237. Tekas ? punctilineana.
Teras pnnctilineana. Walker, Lep. Het. Suppl. V., 1780
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
A large broad-winged species ; it can scarcely be a Teras
I think.
238. Teras cuneifeeana.
Teras cuneiferana. Walker, Lep. Het. Suppl. V., p. 1780
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
239. Teras pauoulana.
Teras paucnlana. Walker, Lep. Het. Suppl. V., p. 1781
New Zealand (Sinclair). Type. B.M.
The type specimen of this insignificant little species is
in poor condition.
240. Teras oontkactana.
Teras contractana. Walker, Lep. Het. Suppl. V., p. 1782
New Zealand (Sinclair). Type. B.M.
241. Teeas ? abjectaxa.
Teras ? abjectana. Walker, Lep. Het. Suppl. V., p. 1781
New Zealand (Bolton). Type much injured. B.M.
Genus 91. P andbmis, Hübner.
Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 388 (1816).
242. P andemis gavisana.
Pandemis gavisana. Walker, Lep. Het. XXVIII.,;». 312,
n. 14 (1863).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
Genus 92. Cacoeoia, Hübner.
Verz. bek. Schmett., p. 388 (1816),
243. Cacoecia ? gallicolens, n. sp.
Primaries same form as C. podana; secondaries with
outer margin more arched in the middle; darker or lighter
clay-coloured reticulated with fuscous, two transverse
dusky parallel streaks, the outer one crossing the diseo-
ceUulars of both wings (under a lens these streaks disappear,
leaving only a spot at terminations of discoidal cells);
a dusky subapical costal spot on primaries; body above
clay-coloured, pterygodes dusky: wings below paler, the
reticulations aud transverse bands red-brown, well-defined,
a blackish grey spot on discocellulars: body paler than
above; expanse of wings 9 to 11J lines.
This species may possibly be referable to a distinct
genus, but the specimens are not in sufficiently good condition
to enable me to assert positively that they are distinct
from Caoe'cia; the secondaries are certainly wider
than in any species that I have seen, the outer margin
being more distinctly waved; the palpi are wanting, and
the wings, in my larger example, somewhat folded so as to
obscure the neuration.
The history of this species is very interesting as it seems
to be a gaU-produoer, several species of Torlrieidm are
known to breed in galls of other insects, but this little moth
is an independent animal ; it has been handed over to me
for description by Mr. Albert Müller, the present Director
of the Zoological Gardens at Basle, having been received
by him from Mr. C. M, Wakefield of Christchurch.
The following is an extract from the letter which accompanied
the galls and specimens—
" Christchurch, New Zealand,
"September 21th, 1873.
“ By this mail I am forwarding to you a little box, containing
a number of galls, which, 1 trust, will be interesting
to you. Amongst them you will find a glass tube, containing
two moths and two ichneumons which were bred from
similar galls last year ; unfortunately, I forgot them until
it was too late, and they are, I fear, too much damaged for
you to describe from. The galls however contain larv«,
which may perhaps live and be bred out on the voyage.
“ They are very abundant, and occur on a rather pretty
creeping plant of which I do not know the name. . . .
The galls in the box were only gathered last week.”
Unfortunately no moths were bred out on the voyage ;
the letter reached England Jan. 12th, 1873, and the pupie
in situ are evidently dead.
The larva seems to feed upon the pith and causes the
stem to swell, so as to produce a fusiform gall ; it forms
a light silk coccoon within the centre of the swelling, the
frass being apparently gummed on to the thread ; the chrysalis
is of a bright mahogany colour and about 3J lines in
length. The large round hole through which the insect
escapes is evidently produced by the larva.
The ichneumon fly parasitic upon this species, belongs
to the genus Mesoleptus*, it is more nearly allied to M.
atomator than to any other described species, but differs iu
its more slender build, in having the scutellum and past-
scutellum black like the remainder of the thorax ; the basal
two-thirds of the first segment of abdomen black ; the antenna:
jet black and the entire insect darker in colour t ;
expanse of wings 5J Hues. I propose to name this little
species M. Mülleri.
Genus 93. B yVTODES, Guénée.
244. B atodes J acTyVtana.
Batodes Jactatana, Walker, Lep. Het. XXVIII., p. 317,
n. 6 (1863).
Aucklaud (Oxley) ; New Zealand (Colenso). Type. B.M.
Genus 94. T oetrix , Treitschke.
Eur. Schmett. VII., p. 228 (1829).
245. T orteix ? innotatana.
Tortrix ? innotatana. Walker, Lep. Het. XXVIII.,;». 333,
n. 61 (1863).
Auckland (Oxley).
I am unable to decide whether or not the species is a true
Tortrix, as I have not seen the type.
Genus 95. S c iaphila , Treitschke.
Eur. Schmett., V ll.,p . 233 (1829).
Sciaphila flexivittana, Walleer, Lep. Het. XXVIII., p.
353, n. 67 (1863).
Aucldand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
247. S c iaphila tra n s te ig a n a .
Sciaphila transtrigana. Walker, Lep. He t.X XYHl.,p . 354,
n. 68 (1863).
Auckland (Oxley). Type. B.M.
248. S c ia ph ila tu r bu l en ta n a .
Sciaphila turbulentana. Walker, Lep. Het. XXVIII., p.
355, n. 69 (1863).
Auckland (Oxley). Type. B.M.
249. S ciaphila de t e ita n a .
Sciapliila detritaua. Walker, Lep. Het. XXVIII., y. 356,
n. 71 (1863).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
250. S ciaphila servil isa na .
Sciaphila servilisana. Walker, Lep. Het. XXVIII., p. 356,
n. 72 (1863).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
251. S c iaphila in f im a n a .
Sciaphila infimana. Walker, Lep. Het. XXVIII.,;». 357,
n. 74 (1863), XXX., p. 986 (1864).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
A small obscure species.
252. S ciaphila saxana.
Sciaphila saxana. Walker, Lep. Het. XXVIII., p. 357, n
75 (1863).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
Genus 96. Ol in d ia , Guénée.
253. Ol in d ia ? vetustana.
Olindia ? vetustana, Walker, Lep. Het. XXVIII., p. 368,
n. 4 (1863).
New Zealand (Bolton). Type. B.M.
A pretty white and browu species.
* 1 Lave to thank Mr. F. Smith for referring me to the genus. •f- This may be due to the manner in "which the specimens were killed.