
marginal ridge ; thorax smooth ; scutellum large, almost
equilateral, the base rather shorter than the sides.
Above pitchy, eorium of hemelytra and antennæ paler ;
thorax below blacldsh, legs castaneous.
Length 2 f lines.
New Zealand (Biehardson, Boss, Sinclair). Type. B.M.
The type is said to have been taken “ on Leptosperm
Family S o ïo c o e id æ .
D ic t y o t u s p o l y s t ic t ic u s , n . sp .
Sciocoris polystictioa, White Ms., tab. 7, /. 5.
Dictyotus polystictica, Dallas List Hemipt. Ins. I., p. 141,
n. 5 (1851).
Same general form as D. affinis of Dallas, the thorax
wider, clypeus distinctly notched ; densely punctured, clay
coloured, more brightly above than below ; abdomen black
above, marginal ridge spotted with clay colour ; basal
two-tliirds of wings dusky, costal and internal veins black :
head, thorax, and legs below irrorated with fuscous
granules ; antennæ, basal joints clay coloured, apical joints
Length 4J Unes.
New Zealand {Sinclair, Hooker.) TyP®- B.M.
E h o p a l im o k p h a o b sc u k a . Tab. 7, Jig. 8.
Ehopalimorpha ohscura. White in Dallas, List. Hemipt.
Ins. I., p. 293, n. 1 (1851).
New Zealand (Sinclair, Hooker). TyP®-
A c a n t h o som a v it t a t u m .
Acanthosoma bimaculatum. White Ms., tab. 7 ,/. 1.
Cimex vittatus, Fah., Ent. Syst. IV., p. 104, n. 96 (1794).
Acanthosoma vittatum, Dallas, List. Hemipt. Ins. I.,
p. 307, n. 13 (1851).
New Zealand (Earl). B.M.
Family LYGrBIDAi.
N y s iu s Z e a l a n d ic u s .
Ehopalus Zealandicus, White Ms., tab. 7, /. 6.
Nysius Zealandicus, Dallas, List. Hemipt. Ins. II., p. 552,
n. 1 descr. (1852).
Nysius (Ehypodes) Zealandicus, Stal, Hemipt. Fabric. I.,
p. 76.
Lygaeus clavicornis (ad partem), Fab., Ent. Syst. IV.,
p. 169, 71. 117 (1794).
Coreus clavicornis, Fab., Syst. Ehyn, p. 201, n. 48 (1803).
New Zealand (Boss, Sinclair). Type. B.M.
Family PiKATIUiE.
P ir a t e s e p h i p p ig e r . Tab. I, jig. 7.
Rediivius (Pirates) ephippiger. White, Dieff. N. Zea. II.,
App., p. 283, n. 108 (1843).
Pirates ephippiger, Walker, Oat. Hemipt. HeUropt. VII.,
p. 126, n. 100 (1873).
Braohysandalus ephippiger, Stal, Ofv. Kongl. Vetensk.
Akacl. F'orhandl. XXIII., p. 260.
New Zealand (Sinclair). Type. B.M.
The following Hemiptera from New Zealand are also in
the collection of the British Museum—
Oallidea imperialis, Platycoris immarginatm, Pentatoma
vilis, Bhaphigaster prasinus, B. Amyoti, Lygmus pacificus,
Lygams mficollis,* Bhyparochromus inornatus, Capsus
laticinctus (0. ustulatus), Lcptomerocoris Maoricus, Crimia
attcnuata (Mezira Maorica), Aradus thoracicus.' Pliymata
Feredayi & conspicua and Aradus Hochstetteri are desiderata.
Order H e m ip t e r a (H om o p t e ba ).
Family A p h r o p h o k iDjE.
(A p h k o p h o r id b s , Am. & Serv.)
P t y e l u s s u b v ie e s c e n s , u . sp .
Aphrophora subvirescens, TFhite Ms., tab. 7, /. 9.
Ptyelus subvirescens. Walker, List. Homopt. Ins. HI., p.
718, n. 33 (1851).
Same general form as P. bifasoiatus; ochraceous above
and below ; legs and hemelytra pale greenish testaceous ;
wings hyaline white.
Length, lines : expanse, 6J lines.
New Zealand (Boss) ; Auckland (Bolton). Type. B.M.
P. pingens of Walker may possibly be a variety of this
P t y e l u s t r im a c u l a t u s , n. sp .
Aphrophora trimaculata. White Ms., tab. 7,/. 10.
Ptyelus trimaculatus. Walker, List. Homopt. Ins. HI, p.
718, n. 32 (1851).
Similar iu form to the preceding, the head rather
narrower and consequently more transverse ; dark testaceous
; the prothorax bordered on each side by a black
spot; hemelytra pitchy, becoming paler at the margins :
an oblique subbasal semicircular streak (curving from near
base to middle of costal area), an almost semicircular patch
on costal margin towards apex, and a diffused triangular
spot on inner margin near external angle, all creamy
whitish; wings hyaline white, irridescent, the nerveless
border slightly fuscous, veins blackish; legs pale testaceous,
tarsal joints black-edged.
Length, 34 lines ; expanse, lines.
New Zealand (Sinclair, Hooker)-, Auckland (Bolton).
Type. B.M.
* Not a LygoMs.
Order H ymbnoptera.
Family A n d r en idæ .
D asyoolletes metallicus.
Andrena trichopus White Ms., tab. 7 ,/. 12.
Dasyoolletes metalUcus, Smith, Cat. Hymen. Ins. l.,p. 15,
«■1 (1853).
New Zealand. Type. B.M.
Family L a r b idæ .
Astata nigerrima. White Ms., tab. 7 ,/. 14.
Tachytes nigerrimus. Smith, Cat. Hymenopt. Ins. IV.,
p. 302, n. 26 (1856).
New Zealand. Type. B.M.
Family M yrm icidæ .
Formica antárctica. White Ms., tab. 7 ,/. 13.
Atta antárctica. Smith, Cat. Hymenopt. Ins. El., p. 167,
n. 21 G858). ,
Aphenogaster antárctica F. Smith, in Coll. Brit. Mus.
New Zealand. Type. B.M.
Family I chn eumon idæ.
M esoleptus M u l l e e i, n. sp. See postea (woodcut), fig. 2.
Allied to M. atomator ; head black; mouth orange;
antennæ long, black; thorax black; abdomen glossy
orange tawny, basal two-thirds of first segment black ;
legs “orange tawny ; wings hyaline, with green and rosy
reflections ; costal stigma black.
Christchurch ( Wakefield).
Parasitic upon Cacoecia gallicolens.
Order D ípt e ra .
Family T ipu l iu æ .
T ípu la sen ex , n. sp. Tab. l,fig. 15.
Head pale cinereous, with basal fourth and a central
oval depression testaceous ; prothorax testaceous, with
central longitudiual ridge, two lateral longitudinal cinereous
bands ; mesothorax aud metathorax cinereous, with
central and lateral longitudinal dusky bands ; abdomen
fulvous ; indications of dusky bauds of metathorax continued
into basal segments ; wings hyaline white ; costa to
mediastinal vein sti-oamineous ; veins testaceous ; costa, a
spot at first tliird of discoidal cell, two obliquely just
beyond second third, a fourth near apex, and a nebulous
striole at apex of cell, brown; halteres pale testaceous, legs
testaceous; pectus pinkish cinereous, with several dusky
Expanse, 2 inches.
New Zealand (Sinclair). Type. B.M.
Family B e e id a !.
(X y l o p h a g i, Wlk.)
D ip h t s a a p ic a l is , n . sp.
Beris apicalis. White Ms., tab. 7, / . 17.
Body shining ochreous with black lateral line, trimacu-
late on the thorax; eyes brown, front white, antenn®
brownish at base, otherwise black; palpi and proboscis
ochreous; terminal segments of abdomen more or less
dusky, distinctly shot with purple (as also are the other
segments, but less evidently); legs ochraceous or tawny,
tarsi of front pair blackish, of middle and hind pairs pale
testaceous ; pectus castaneous ; abdomen below paler than
above ; wings sordid hyaline white ; a diffused brown spot
filling areolet between subcostal and radial veins, and a
smaller spot on first cubital vein.
Expanse, 8 lines.
New Zealand. Type. B.M.
Family STBATiOMliDAi.
O d o n tom y ia d o r s a l is . Tab. 'I, fig. 16.
Odontomyia dorsalis. Walker, List. Dipt. Ins. III., p>. 536
New Zealand (Sinclair). Type. B.M.
Family SvKPHiDiB.
H b l o p h il u s t e il in e a t u s .
Eristalis trilineatus, Wied. Auss., Zweif. II, p. 168.
Tab. 7 ,/. 19.
Svrphus trilineatus. Fab., Syst. Ent., p. 766, n. 16.
Port Nicholson (Earl) ; New Zealand (Sinclair, Pelerin,
Bank). Type. B.M.
Family M u s c id /E.
M u sc a L^em io a .
Musca (Sarcophaga) L®mica IVhite Ms., tab. 7 ,/. 18.
Musca Limnica, Walker, List. Dipt. Ins. IV., p. 906
New Zealand (Sinclair). Type. B.M.