
seventh striæ ; eighth and ninth are not distinct, and furnished
with large, deep points, which end at the outer
border; beneath smooth; legs black, strong, spiny.
Length, 10 lines.
New Zealand. Mus. Brit. Parry.
F e eo n ia (P latysma ?) süb.b n e a .
Foronia (Platysma?) subænea, G a erá , Rev. Zool. Ctiv.
1841. 122.
Slightly bronzed black above, deep black beneath ;
body elongated, nearly parallel ; head smooth, with two
short, slight impressions in front ; thorax nearly as long as
wide, somewhat cordate, smooth, margined, with a longitudinal
median groove, slightly widened behind, and not
reaching the hind margin, or rather wide fossa near the
hind angles ; scutellum triangular, somewhat wider than
long, with four or five longitudinal grooves at the base ;
elytra wider than the thorax behind ; nearly twice as long
as wide ; rather strongly sinuated behind, the side slightly
rounded ; each has eight striæ of large elongated points,
connected, and foiming short grooves in different parts ;
the spaces between slightly raised ; the spaces between
the second and third, fourth and fifth, sixth and seventh
striæ are wider and more raised ; the points fonning the
eighth stria are much larger and more distant ; legs are
black and strong.
Hab., New Zealand.
F e eo nia (P latysma) cap ito.
Head nearly as wide as the thorax, with two rather long,
deep impressed lines on front between antennæ, with the
joints from the fourth to the eleventh hairy ; thorax with a
very distinct, transverse, impressed line in front, and at
the end of the middle longitudinal thoracic line ; head and
thorax with a greenish hue, strongest on the margins and
posterior angles of thorax ; elytra with a very few scattered,
longish hairs ; elytra with a greenish hue, marked similarly
to F. Ausü'alasiæ ; the sides of elytra somewhat
angulated instead of being flat as in that species.
Length, 8^ to 9 | lines.
Hab., New Zealand,—Colenso Esq.
A species allied to F. Australasiæ, but distinguished
readily by the size of its head, narrower thorax, colour and
hairs on elytra ; the insect also is somewhat smaller ; both
of these come near the genus Omalosoma of Flope.
F e eo n ia (P latysma) po l it is s im a .
Very deep black ; head with an H-shaped impression
in front : thorax with two deep, somewhat curved
fossæ beliind, one on each side ; elytra with very deep,
longitudinal punctured striæ, the fifth and sixth united at
the end ; side with a row of catenulate punctures.
Length, 6 lines.
Hab., New' Zealand (Port Nicholson), Mr. Earl.
F e eo n ia (P t eeo stio h d s ) vageponcta.
Deep black ; head with two deep, impressed lines
in front ; thorax with a longitudinal line down middle,
ending both before and behind in a deepish fossa ; behind
on each side a deep fossa connected with the hind margin;
elytra with longitudinal striæ marked with somewhat
interrupted, longish impressions.
Length, 7 to 8 lines.
Hab., New Zealand (Port Nicholson), Mr. Earl.
F e eo n ia (Cophosus) blongella.
Head w'ith an H-shaped impression in front; thorax
slightly convex, with a very deep, pyriform impression on
each side ; a deep groove, distinctly striated across, and
ending in a deepish fossa both in front and behind ; elytra
rather convex ; considerably sinuated on the outside at
the end ; longitudinally striated, the striæ with interrupted
punctures, especially behind.
Length, lines.
Hab., New Zealand, Capt. Parry.
O maseus sylvaticds.
Omaseus sylvaticus, Hombr. and Jacq. Von. au Pole
Sud. t. 2 ./. 5.
Hab., New Zealand (Akarao).
Ae g u to e pantomelas.
Argutor pantomelas, Homb. and Jacq. Von. an Pole Sud
t. 2 .f. 6.
Hab., New Zealand (Akaroa).
A e g ü to e e e y t h e o pu s .
Argutor erythropus, Hombr. and Jacq. Voy. au Pole
Sud. t. 2 ./. 7.
Hab., New Zealand (Akaroa).
A eg ü t o e p ic e ü s .
Argutor piceus, Hombr. and Jacq. Voy. au Pole Sud
1. 2 ./. 8.
Hab., New Zealand (Akaroa).
B eoscos C ae en o id es . PI, l . f , 6.
Very deep black ; head in front, near the base of mandibles
with tw'O or three deep punctures on each .side ;
thorax very narrow behind and transversely grooved ; a
slight, straight stria down the middle, across irregularly
striated ; on the lateral margin are some points, from
which proceed longish, reddish hairs ; elytra smooth, with
very faint indications of grooves, which behind are more
distinct ; the spaces between somewhat granulated ; two
or three punctures on the shoulders of the elytra, with
reddish hairs in them ; one or two very distant points on
the elytra from the shoulder to the tip of elytra ; femora
and palpi rufescent.
Length, 13j lines.
Hab., New Zealand, Capt. Parry.
The greater part of the legs and antennæ are broken off
in the specimen described. In the Museum collection
there is a closely allied species from Australia.
B eoscds (P eom eco d eeu s ?) æ r e u s . p i . 1 . / . 8.
Head above in front of the eyes with several bent striæ;
thorax very convex above, gradually narrower behiud, a
few distant, longish hairs on the margin, a deepish groove
down the middle, not reaching to the fore or hind margins,
in front, on each side before’ its teraiination is a
slight, transverse line, a very slight point near each of the
hind angles ; scutellum not visible ; elytra together of a
longish oval, slightly striated, the striæ with rather distant
punctures, near the edge is a row of rather larger
punctures ; tibiæ and tarsi with a feiv deep ferruginous
Length, 9 lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson).
P eom eco d eeo s L o t t in i .
Promecoderus Lottini, BrulU, Hist. Nat, Insectes, IV.
4.50, 1 .1 8 , / . 4.
Hab. New Zealand.
M ecodema sc ü l p tu ea tüm .
Mecodema sculpturatum, Hombr. and Jacq. Voy. au
Pole Sud, t. 2 , / . 14.
Hab. New Zealand (Otago).
H eterodactylus, Guerin.
Labrum transverse, entire ; mandibles not very prominent,
bent, W'ithout teeth on the inside, much widened at
the base and having on the outer side a wide fossa which
receives the first joint of antennæ; palpi elongated, filiform,
last joint cylindrical and scarcely swollen in the
middle, obliquely truncated at the end ; mentum with the
notch W'ide, in the middle with a rounded projection ;
tongue wide, very prominent between the labial palpi ;
antennæ filiform ; anterior tibiæ strongly notched beneath
only, with the four first joints of the tarsi strongly dilated
in the males, rounded on the sides, much contracted behind
and very distinctly cordate, the fourth having the
inner lobe much more elongated than the outer ; intermediate
tarsi with triangular joints not so much dilated as
the anterior, but wider tbau those of hind legs ; these four
tarsi have their fourtli joint much prolonged on the outer
side ; thorax cordate ; body apterous.
H eterodactylus n e b e io id e s .
Heterodactylus nebrioides, Guerin, Rev. Zool. Guv.
1 8 4 1 , 2 1 4 .
Shiniug black ; head smooth, with two wide fossæ
in front ; mandibles with one tooth, margins widened,
reddish and slightly transparent ; antennæ longer than the
head and thorax, the four first joints smooth and shining,
the second shortest and the others downy ; thorax
cordate, truncated in front and behind, smooth, finely margined
witli a longitudinal groove in the middle, a feeble
transverse impression in front and two rather deep fossæ
behind, near the liind angles ; scutellum rounded, slightly
rugose ; elytra oval, of the width of thorax at base, without
humeral projections, feebly margined, widest in the middle,
smooth, and with nine striæ, distinct on the disk but nearly
obliterated on the sides ; these striæ do not all reach the
end, the second, especially, stops a little beyond the middle,
and on the outer margin are some impressions most marked
behind ; beneath and legs smooth.
Length, to 8 lines.
Hab. Auckland Islands.
H el.eo t e e o h u s , White
Head much wider than thorax ; eyes very large and
prominent ; thorax iii front rounded, the anterior angles
rounded, behind narrowed ; elytra rather wider behind
than in front, behind obliquely truncated ; antennæ short,
somewhat hairy. One of the Subulipalpi with truncated
elytra in general appearance with a considerable
resemblance to Scopodes boops, one of the Pericali-
dæ, described by Ericbson, Arch. 1842, p. 123, i. 4 , / 1.
H e læ o t e e c h u s e l a ph r o id e s , pi. 1 ,/. .5.
Head longitudinally striated between the eyes ; thorax
with a short groove doivn the middle, not extending to
hind edge ; elytra with large, coarse, irregular punctures :
the insect is of a deep black ; legs yellow ; middle of femora
and the tips with a brownish band.
Length, 2|- lines.
Hab. New Zealand (marshes). Dr. Hooker.
O o p t e r u s , Guerin.
Palpi ending in a conical joint, which is sharp at tlio
end ; the penultimate joint of maxillary palpi as long as
the last ; four first joints of anterior tarsi dilated in the
males, the two first joints wider, somewhat elongated on
the inner side ; antennæ short, submoniliform, with the
last seven joints scarcely longer than wide ; body thick,
O o p teru s c l iv in o id e s .
Oopterus clivinoides, Guerin, Rev. Zool. Cuv. 1841, 123.
Hombr. and Jacq. Voy. au Pole Sud, t. 2 , / 16.
Of a deep shining brown colour; head oblong, narrower
than the thorax, smooth, with two wide longitudinal grooi es
between the insertion of antennæ about twice the length
of the eyes ; antennæ and palpi yellow'ish brown ; thorax
convex, cordate, finely margined, smooth, with slight,
transverse, short striæ towards the sides and hind margin ;
gi-oove in middle of thorax indistinct ; on each side, near
the hind angles, a short and rather wide fossa, and in tiie
middle of hind margin some short, longitudinal striæ ; scutellum
very small, triangular ; elytra at least twice the
width of thorax, about the middle much arched, forming
a short oval, smooth and shining, w'ith longitudinal, very
feebly punctured striæ, the spaces betw'een flattened, the
side stria almost effaced ; margins of elytra and suture of
a somewhat fulvous brown, especially behind, black be-
neatli ; legs of a brownish, fulvous yellow.
Hab. Auckland Islands.