
by Mr. Newniau, 1. c. ; the antennæ and legs are more rufous,
the stripe down the middle of the thorax is wider and
lighter in colour ; the elytra down the suture, at the tip
and on tlie margin are widely margined with pale rufous,
there is no iridescence on the elytra as in the type specimens.
Hab. New Zealand ? (Port Nicholson), Capt. Parry.
Callidium variegatura, Fabr. Ent. Si/st, II. 325, 32. Oliv.
/. 5 ,/.5 8 .
Coptomma vitticolle, Newm. Ann. Nat. Hist. V. p. 18.
Antennæ moderate, black, two last joints rust-coloured ;
head black, with two lines and a transverse stria, whitish ;
thorax smooth, above deep black, with four white, longitudinal
lines, the sides with numerous minute, yellowish
spots ; elytra deep black, with three somewhat raised, longitudinal
ridges, covered with many minute, yellow spots,
most crowded on a transverse band about the middle, and
two shortish oblique bands near the base ; abdomen deep
black on each side, with a double row of yellow spots, the
inner the largest ; legs black, femora of hind legs with a
yellowish spot above.
Length, to 11|- lines.
Hab. New Zealand (N. & S. Islands).
Callidium sulcatum, Fabr. Ent. Syst. II. 326, 34. Oliv.
t. 4 ,/. 48.
Tmesisternus, Guerin, Voy. Coq. II. 130.
Antennæ short, brown ; head ash-coloured, line on the
forehead raised, smooth, black ; thorax covered with ash-
coloured hairs ; elytra furrowed with black, smooth, raised
lines and four white, villous furrows ; legs griseous.
Hab. New Zealand, Mus. Banks.
C optom.ma l in ea tum . pi. 4 , / . 5.
Callidium lineatum, Fabr. Ent. Syst. II. 325, 33. Oliv.
t. i , f . 50.
Tmesisternus, Guerin, Voy. Coquille II. 130.
Antennæ short, first joint much thicker than the rest,
rust-coloured, the others blackish ; head dark brown, with
two white lines meeting in front ; thorax with two broad,
whitish lines ; scutellum whitish ; elytra bluntish, rust-coloured,
with four, widish, impressed lines, the first on the
outer margin, two in the middle joined together before
reaching the tip, the fourth on the suture, these lines are
filled with yellowish white hairs; abdomen with yellowish
white hairs, each segment in the middle with a triangular,
rust-coloured, smooth mark ; legs somewhat rust-coloured,
the ends of femora tipped with a steely black.
Length, 8J to 9|- lines.
Hab. New Zealand.
C o p tom m a a c u t ip e n n e . P I . A ,f ig . 2.
Head covered with grayish hairs, vertex with a smooth,
somewhat raised line down the middle, and a similar line
on the inside of each eye ; thorax smooth in the middle.
the sides covered with yellowish hairs; elytra pointed at
the end, a notch between the point and the suture, four
impressed lines filled with yellowish white hairs, the first
on the margin, the second running nearly to the tip, the
third not connected at the end with the second, running a
little beyond tbe middle, the fourth on the suture, but
rising about one-third down ; abdomen whitish beneath, a
broad, dusky line down the middle; legs olive brown, base
of femora yellowish.
The general colour is a deepish black, but in two specimens
the elytra are of an olive green, and in one the thorax
and head are of a deep rufous, without hairs, but this seems
a rubbed specimen.
Length, 4 | to 6 lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson, &c.).
C al l id ium (?) d iv e e s ic o r n e .
Antenme with the third and fourth joints together as
long as fifth, the fourth joint not half the length of
the third (head and thorax crushed); femora very much
clavated; elytra coarsely punctured at the base, more
finely about tbe middle, and quite smooth at the end, very
deep brown, a longish testaceous mark on the suture at the
base, four longish, oval, testaceous spots across the elytra,
which, if continued would form a cross, a small spot close
to the shoulder, a longish, testaceous line on the margin
just before the middle, a large testaceous spot near the tip ;
club of femora deep brown, base yellowish, tibia: black at
the end, yellow at the base.
Length, 5 lines.
Hab. New Zealand.
Ob r ium F abricia num.
Obrium Fabricianum, Westw. Arc. Ent. II. 28 (not O.
minutum, Auct.).
Callidium minutum, Fabr. Ent. Syst. II. 332, 60. OUv.
t. 5 ,/. 56.
Clytus minutus, Fabr. Syst. El. 1. 346.
Antennæ moderate, first joint testaceous, the rest while
at the base, black at the tip ; head, thorax, elytra aud legs
tertaceous ; elytra before the middle with a white band,
which does not reach the suture ; femora much clavated,
white at the base.
Hab. New Zealand,—Mr. Colenso.
O b r ium g u t t ig e r um .
Obrium guttigerum, Westw. Arc. Ent. II. 28. t. 56,
fig- 4-
Violet-coloured, shining ; elytra more purple, somewhat
tuberculated at the base, each with a large rounded, slightly
raised spot in the middle ; all the joints of the antennæ
at the tip, and the clubbed tips of the femora black ; head
in front tawney purple ; trophi short, reddish ; tips of the
short mandibles black ; thorax elongated before and behind,
the middle much narrowed, in the middle rounded,
gibbous ; tibiæ and tarsi pale testaceous.
Hab. New Zealand (Port Nicholson).
tE mona, Newman.
iEmona, Newman, Ent. p. 8.
Appearance of Clytus ; head scarcely prone, immersed
in the prothorax almost up to the eyes, elongated in fi'ont;
eyes reniform, dilated behind ; antennse scarcely longer
than the body, filiform, eleven-jointed, third and fourth
joints somewhat shorter than tbe ibllowiiig; thorax without
spines, longer than wide, the sides nearly parallel,
transversely wrinkled on the disk ; elytra flattened on the
back, gradually attenuated towards the lip, the tip itself
rounded ; legs somewhat elongated; femora simple.
jF mona h u m il is .
iEmona humilis, Newman, Ent. p. 8.
Chestnut; eyes, tips of femora and tarsi brown ; crown
of head densely covered with golden hairs, longitudinally
divided down the middle by a smooth lin e ; scutellum
downy, coloured ; elytra deeply punctured, closely covered
with gray hairs.
Hab. New Zealand, C. Darwin, Esq.
T e t r o e e a , White.
Head notched between the antenna;; antennse with the
fourth joint longest and slightly curved, each joint ciliated
on the'inside ; thorax short, rather longer than wide, with
four tubercles, two transverse in the middle, two larger,
one on each side ; elytra elongated, at the base abruptly
inserted, the shoulder angled, and between the shoulder
and the suture there is a tubercle, end of elytra bluntish ;
legs, with the femora very thick.
A new subgenus of Lamia, closely allied to Hypsioma.
T e t e o r e a c i l ip e s . p i . 4 , f i g . 9.
Elytra at the base and on the margin punctured, a line
of punctures close to the suture extending to the middle
of elytra, near which, on each side, is a small tuft of light-
coloured hairs ; head and thorax with ochrey hairs ; antenna
gray, sprinkled with brown ; base of elytra deep
brown, with two streaks of yellowish hairs, elytra yellowish
brown, on tbe sides spotted with blackish, near the apex
is au oblique, gray spot, sprinkled with black, the fore part
margined with a curved line, white in front and ochrey behind
; under side of abdomen dark gray, four of tbe segments
with a yellow spot on each side; tibiae on each side
near the base with two or three tufts of whitish hairs.
Length, 6f to 7 lines.
L amia (am n isc u s ?) f l .avipes.
Thorax much wider than long, with a strong, somewhat
recurved spine behind ; head and thorax with yellowish
hairs, in some parts rather deeply punctate ; base of elytra
punctate, in the middle of each a tubercular wart, elytra
covered with close, grayish hairs, amongst which are some
short, stiffish hairs of a darker colour; four of the segments
of abdomen beneath with four largish, yellow marks on
each on a black ground; basal joint of antenme aud femora
gray, -with small black spots, other joints of antenna:
yellow at base and dusky at the tips ; tibi* and tarsi yellowish.
Length, 7 lines.
Hab, New Zealand, Capt. Parry.
L amia c r ista .
Lamia crista, Fabr. Ent. Sysl. II. 268, 6. Oliv. t. 14,
/ 101.
Antennse rather longer than the body, ash-coloured,
joints black at the tip ; thorax on both sides armed with a
sharp spine and beneath the spine a fulvous p oint; elytra
in front griseous, with a large, compressed, three-toothed
tubercle, behind palish, with a small, oblique, black streak ;
femora clavate, black, club griseous ; tibia: griseous, black
at the tip.
Length, 3 lines.
Hab. New Zealand, Mus. Banks, Mus. Brit.
A very small species, which seems to come near Hebe-
L amia (H ex a t e ic h a ) pu l v e r u l e n t a .
Lamia pulverulenta, Westw. Arc. E n t. II. 86, t. 56,
/ . 5.O
bscure, powdered with white ; head rather elongated
behind the eyes, front part nearly perpendicular, behiud
with two whitish lines; palpi short, with the extremity
somewhat pointed ; antennæ eleven-jointed, third joint the
longest, first six joints fringed on the outside with hairs,
alternately coloured as the joints themselves, the bases of
which are white and the extremities black ; thorax nearly
rounded, sides unarmed ; elytra convex, humeral angles
prominent, hind part much attenuated and deflexed, the
tips not spinose but pilose, along each run four slender,
fulvous, elevated costæ, which do not extend to the tip,
the middle of the elytra ornamented with two interrupted,
black fasciæ ; legs varied with black and whitish colours ;
extremity of tibiæ externally pilose.
Length, 8 to 9 lines.
Hab. New Zealand (Waikouaiti). Mr. Earl also found it
in the N. Island, at Port Nicholson; in the specimens sent
from the latter locality, the markings are by no means so
I sodeea villosa . p i. 4, fig. 1.
Saperda hirta, Fabr. Ent. Syst. II. 309, 10.
Saperda villosa, Fabr. Syst. El. 320, 13.
Antennæ brown, as long as the body; head griseous, four
spots on the base yellowish ; thorax transversely wrinkled;
elytra ferruginous, rough, with griseous hairs, blunt at the
end ; legs griseous.
Length, 9 to 12 lines.
Hab. New Zealand, Mus. Brit.
This species I cannot refer to any of the numerous genera
lately established. The antennæ are somewhat flattened
; the thorax is longer than wide, nearly cylindrical,
above it is transversely striated ; the elytra are elongated,