I I A N I I A O R I E N T A I . . Nov. 18:î.‘î.
quartz crystals with their edges blunted from attrition, and
mixed with gravel on the sca-beach. Each crystal was about
five linos in diameter, .and from an inch to an inch and a half
in length. Many of them had a small canal extending from
one extremity to the other, perfectly cylindrical, and of a
size that readily admitted a eoarse thread, or a jhcee of tine
catgut. Their colour was red or dull white. The natives
were, acquainted with this structure in crystals. 1 have mentioned
these eircumstanecs, because, although no crystallized
body is at present known to assume this form, it may lead
some future traveller to investigate the real nature of such
AVhile staying at this estancia, I was amused with what I
saw and heard of the shepherd dogs of the country.* AVhen
riding, it is a common thing to meet a large flock of sheep
guarded by one or two dogs, at the distance of some miles
from any house or man. I often wondered hoiv so firm a
friendship had been established. The method of education
consists in separating the puppy, while very young, from the
bitch, and in accustoming it to its future companions. An
ewe is held three or four times a day for the little thing to
suck ; and a nest of wool is made for it in the sheep-pen; at
no time is it allowed to associate with other dogs, or ivith the
children of the family. The puppy is, moreover, generaUy
castrated; so that, when grown up, it can scarcely have any
feelings in common ivith the rest of its kind. From this
education it has no iiish to leave the flock, and just as another
dog will defend its master, man, so wiU these, the
sheep. It is amusing to observe, when approaching a flock,
how the dog immediately advances barking, and the sheep
all close in his rear, as if round the oldest ram. These
dogs are also easily taught to bring home the flock, at a
certain hour in the evening. Their most troublesome fault,
when young, is their desire of playing with the sheep; for
» M . D ’O rb ig n y h a s g iv en n e a rly a s im ila r a c c o u n t o f tlie s e dogs,
vol. i., p . 175.
Nov. )83.3. S I IH I ' I IER I ) noos. 1 7 5
in their .sport they sometimes gallop their poor subjects most
TJic shepherd dog comes to the house every day for some
meat, and immediately it is given him, he skulks away as
if ashamed of himself. On tlicsc occasions the house-dogs
arc very tyramiieal, and the least of them will attack and
pursue the stranger. The minute, however, the latter has
reached the flock, he turns round, and begins to bark, and
tlien all the house-dogs take very quickly to their heels. In
a similar manner a whole pack of the hungry wild dogs will
scarcely ever (and I was told by some, never) venture to
attack a flock guarded even by one of these faithful shepherds.
The whole account appears to me a curious instance
of the pliability of the affections in the dog race ; and yet,
whether wild, or however educated, with a mutual feeling of
respect or fear for those that are fulfilling their instinct of
association. For we can understand on no principle, the
wild dogs being driven away by the single one with its flock,
except that they consider, from some confused notion,
that the one thus associated gains power, as if in company
with its own kind. F. Cuvier has obsen-ed, that aU animals
that readily enter into domestication, consider man as a
member of their society, and thus fulfil their instinct of
association. In the above case the shepherd dogs rank the
sheep as their feUow brethren ; and the wild dogs, though
knowing that the individual sheep are not dogs, but are
good to eat, yet partly consent to this view, when seeing
them in a flock with a shepherd dog at their head.
One evening a “ domidor” (a subduer of horses) came for
the purpose of breaking in some colts. I irill describe the
preparatory steps, for I believe they have not been mentioned
by other travellers. A troop of ufild young horses is
driven into the corral, or large enclosure of stakes, and the
door is shut. AVe will suppose that one man alone has to catch
and mount a horse, which as yet had never felt bridle or
saddle. I conceive, except by a Gaucho, such a feat would
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