■lì V
till that bird is compelled to vomit up the carnon r ma)
have recentlv gorged. Lastly, Azara states that several Carranchas,
five or six together, will unite m chase of la
birds, even such as herons. All these facts show that it is
bird of very versatile habits and considerable ingenuity.
The P oh b om s Chimango is considerably smaller than the
last species. It is common on both sides of the continent
but does not appear to extend so far northward as the last
species. It is found in Chiloe, and on the coast of Patagonia
L I have seen it in Tierra del Fuego. We have a ready
remarked that it feeds on carrion, m common with the
Carrancha It is generally the last bird which leaves the
b i . « n , i . b „ * oi . » . »
horse, like a bird in a cage. The Chimango often frequents
the sea-coast and the borders of lakes and swamps
L e r e it picks up small fish. It is truly
will eat even bread, when thrown out of a house with other
offal • I was also assured that they materially injure the potato
crops in Chiloe, by stocking up the roots when
In the same island I myself s a w them by scores follov mg
the plough, and feeding on the worms and larvæ of insects.
t n L bL ev e they ever krllbirds or animals. They - m o .
active than the Carranchas, but their flight is heavy , nev
saw one soar ; they are very tame ; are not
monly perch on stonewalls, and not upon trees, and fre
quently utter a gentle, shrill scream. ^
The third species of Polyborus# is remarkable from the
o o l f i t d localities which it frequents : we - e t in t h it offiy in
one valley in Patagonia. The last species which we have to
mention is the Polyborus Novæ Zelandm. This bird is e
ceedingly numerous over the whole of the Falkland Isknds
which appear to be its metropolis. I was informed by the
sealers, that they are found in the Diego Ramirez racks and
the Ildefonso isles, but never on the mainland of Tierra del
F u e r N o r do they occur on Georgia or the more southern
» A sp e cie s a llie d to “ M o n ta n a s ” o f D 'O rb ig n y , b u t d is tin c t.
islands. In many respects these hawks resemble in their
habits the Carranchas. They live on the flesh of dead
animals and on marine productions ; and on the Ramirez rocks
their whole sustenance must depend on the sea. They are
extraordinarily tame and fearless, and haunt the neighbourhood
of houses for offal. If a hunting party kills an animal,
a number soon collect and patiently await, standing on the
ground on all sides. After eating, their uncovered craws are
largely protruded, giving them a disgusting appearance.
They readily attack wounded birds : a cormorant in this
state having taken to the shore, was immediately seized on
by several, and its death hastened by their blows. The
Beagle was at the Falklands only during the summer, but
the officers of the Adventure, who were there in the winter,
mention many extraordinary instances of the boldness and
rapacity of these birds. They actually pounced on a dog
that was lying fast asleep close by one of the party ; and the
sportsmen had difficulty in preventing the wounded geese
from being seized before their eyes. It is said that several
together (in this respect resembling the Carranchas) wait at
the mouth of a rabbit-hole, and together seize on the animal
when it comes out. They were constantly flying on board the
vessel when in the harbour ; and it was necessary to keep a
good look out to prevent the leather being tom from the rigging,
and the meat or game from the stern. These birds are
very mischievous and inquisitive ; they will pick up almost any
thing from the ground ; a large black glazed hat was carried
nearly a mile, as was a pair of the heavy balls, used in catching
cattle. Mr. Usborne experienced during the survey a more
severe loss, in their stealing a small Kater’s compass in a red
morocco leather case, which was never recovered. These birds
are, moreover, quarrelsome and very passionate ; tearing up
the grass with their bills from rage. They are not truly gregarious
; do not soar ; their flight is heavy and clumsy ; on
the ground they ran with extreme quickness, very much like
pheasants. They are noisy, uttering several harsh cries ; one
of which is like that of the English rook ; hence the sealers
, I