P R E F A C E .
I H A V E stated in the preface to the Zoology of the
Voyage of the Beagle, that it was in consequence of a
wish expressed by Captain FitzRoy, of having some
scientific person on board, accompanied by an offer
fi-om him, of giving up part of his own accommodations,
that I volunteered my services, which received,
through the kindness of the hydrographer, Captain
Beaufort, the sanction of the Lords of the Admiralty.
As I feel that the opportunities, which I enjoyed of
studying the Natural History of the different countries
we visited, have been wholly due to Captain FitzRoy,
I hope I may here be permitted to express
my gratitude to him ; and to add that, during the five
years we were together, I received from him the most
cordial friendship and steady assistance. Both to
Captain FitzRoy and to all the Officers of the Beagle,*
* I m u s t lik ew ise t a k e tliis o p p o r tu n i ty o f r e tu r n in g m y s in c e re
th a n k s to M r. B y n o e , th e su rg e o n o f th e B e a g le , fo r h is v e ry k in d
a tt e n tio n to m e w h e n T was ill a t V a lp a ra iso .