fLy.‘ either as a prefentor in barter, immediately examined
the balket, and difcovered, that out of feven nails five were
miffing. He then, though not without great relurtance,
charged him with the fart, which he im mediately qonfefled,
and however he might fuffer, was probably not more hurt
tlian his accufer. A demand was immediately made of refti-
tution; but this he declined, faying, that the nails were at
Eparre: however, Mr. Banks appearing to be much in earned,
and ufing fome threatening figns, he thought fit to
produce one o f them. He was then taken to the fort, to receive
fuch judgment as fhould be given againft him by the
general voice.
After fome deliberation, that we might not appear to think
too lightly of his offence, he was told, that i f he would bring
the other four nails to the fort, it fhould be forgotten. To
this condition he agreed ; but I am forry to fay he did not
fulfil it. Inflead of fetching the nails, he removed with his
family before night, and took all his furniture with him.
As our long-boat had appeared to be leaky, I thought it
necefiary to examine her bottom, and to my great furprize,
found it fo much eaten by the worms, that it was necefiary
to give her a new one ; no fuch accident had happened to
the Dolphin’s boats, as I was informed by. the officers on
board, and therefore it was a misfortune that I did not expert:
I feared that the pinnace alfo might be nearly in the
fame condition; but, upon examining her, I had the fatis-
fartion to find that not a worm had touched her, though fhe
was built of the lame wood, and had . been as much in the
water ; the reafon of this difference I imagine to be, that the
long-boat was paid with varnilh o f pine, and the pinnace
painted with white lead and o il; the bottoms of all boats
therefore which are fent into this country fhould be painted
like that of the pinnace, and the fliips fhould be fupplied
with a good flock, in order to give them a new coating when
it fhould be found necefiary.
Having received repeated meffages from Tootahah, that
i f we would pay him a vifi.t he would acknowledge the favour
by a prefent of four hogs, I fent Mr. Hicks, my Firfl
Lieutenant, to try if he could not procure the hogs upon
eafier terms, with orders to fliow him every civility in his
power. Mr. Hicks found that he was removed from Eparre
to a place called T e t t ah ah , five miles farther to the weft-
ward. He was received with great cordiality ; one hog was
immediately produced, and he was told that the other three,
which were at fome diftance, fhould be brought in the morning.
Mr. Hicks readily confented to flay; but the morning
came without the hogs, and it not being convenient to flay
longer, he returned in the evening, with the one that he had
On the Sj'th, Tubourai Tamaide and his wife Tomio made
their appearance at the tent, for the firfl time fince he had
been deterted in Healing the nails; he feemed to be under
fome idifcontent and apprehenfion, yet he did not think fit to
purchafe our countenance and good-will by reftoring the
four which he had fent away. As Mr. Banks and the other
Gentlemen treated him with a coolnefs and referve which
did not at all tend to reflate his peace or good-humour, his
flay was fhort, and his departure abrupt. Mr. Monkhoufe,
the Surgeon, went the next morning in order to effert a reconciliation,
by perfuading him to bring down the nails, but
he could not fucceed.
Wednef. 24.
Vot. II. s C H A r,