yrcm s Sc C,
^ P J ^ fo a a t s Tract
Zr.ofTPalcs.sZi frS <=
C H A P . XX.
A Defcription o f fe v e r a l other Ifa n d s in the Neighbourhood
o f Otaheite, with various Incidents; a dramatic E n tertainment
; and many P a rticu la rs relative to. the Cufloms
and Manners o f the Inhabitants.
A FTER parting with our friends, we made an eafy fail, ,76?;
Z~\. with gentle breezes and clear weather, and were in- ,
formed by Tupia, that four of the neighbouring illands, Thurfdayijr-
which he diftinguifhed by the names of Hu a h e in e ,
Ulietea, Ot ah a , and Bolajsola, lay at the diftance of
between one and two days fail from Otaheite; and that hogs,
fowls, and other refrefhments, with which we had of late
been but fparingly fupplied, were there to be procured in
great plenty; but having difeovered from the hills of Otaheite,
an illand lying to the northward, which he called
T ethuroa, I determined firft to Hand that way, to take a
nearer view of it. It lies N. i W. diftant eight leagues from:
the northern extremity of Otaheite, upon which we had ob-
ferved the tranfit, and to which we had, for that reafon,
given the name of Point V enus. We found it to be a fmall
low illand, and were told by Tupia, that it had no fettled
inhabitants', but was occafionally vilited by the inhabitants
of Otaheite, who fometimes went thither for a few days to
filh; we therefore determined to fpend no-more time in a.
farther examination of it, but to go in fearch of Huaheine
and Ulietea, which he defcribed to be well peopled, and as
large as Otaheite;