r o u n d t h e w o r l d .
its tafte isinfipid, with a flight fweetnefs fomewhat rcfem-
bling that of the. crumb of wheaten-bread mixed with a Je-
rufalem artichoke.
Among others who came off to the flop was an elderly
man whofe name, as we learnt afterward«, was Owhaw, and
who’was immediately known to Mr, Gore, and feveral others
who had been here with Captain Wallis | as I was informed
that he had been very ufeful to them, I took - him on board
the ihip with fome others, and was particularly attentive to
gratify him, as I hoped he might alio be ufeful to us.
As our flay here was not likely to be very fhort, and as it
was neceffary that the merchandife which we had brought
for traffic with the natives ffiould not dimmiffi m its value,
which it would certainly have done, if every perfon had been
left at liberty to give what he pleated for fuch things as he
Ihould purchafe; at the fame time that confufion and quarrels
muff neceffarily have arifen from there being no ftandard
at market: I drew up the following rules,, and ordered tha
they fhould be punctually obferved.
Rules to be obferved by every perfon in or belonging ta his Majejly *
Bark the Endeavour, fo r the better eflablijhing a regular and uniform
trade fo r provifton, & c . -with th e inhabitants o f George *
. Ifland.
“ I. To endeavour, by every fair means, to cultivate a
« friendfhip with the natives; and to treat them with all
“ imaginable humanity.
« II A proper perfon, or perfons, will be appointed to
« trade with the natives for all manner of ptovffions, fruit,
“ and other produftions of the earth; and no officer or fea-
« man, or other perfon belonging to the ffiip, excepting uc
, • . _ J /Unll -l ( /T «« » ïw i/ iA - tV U '
Thurfday 1