is indebted to Mr. Banks'. To Mr. Banks alfo the Public
is indebted for the defigns of the engravings which illustrate
and adorn the account of this voyage, all of them,
except the maps, charts, and views of the coafts as they
appear at fea, being copied from his valuable drawings,
and fome of them from fuch as were made for the ufe of
the artiffis at his expence;.-
As the materials furnifhed by Mr. Banks were fo intereft-
ing and copious, there arofe an objection again!! writing an
account of this voyage in.the perfon of the Commander,
which could have no place with refpedt to the others ;
the defcriptions and obfervations of Mr. Banks would be
abforbed without any diftincTion, in a general narrative
given under another name : but this objection he gene-
'róufly over-ruled, and it therefore became^-neceflary to
give forhe account of the obligations which he has laid
upon the Public and rtfyfelf in this place. It is indeed
fortunate for mankind, when wealth and fcience, and a
ftrong inclination tb exert the powers of both for purposes
of public benefit, unite in the fame perfon; and I
cannot but congratulate my country upon the profpeC! of
furthe'r pleafure and advantage from the fame Gentleman,
to whom we are indebted for fo confiderable a part of this
a c c o u n t
V O Y A G E round the W O R L D.
B O O K I.
C H A P . I.
f h e Paffage from Plymouth to M adeira, with fame Account
/ o f that I f and.
I TT AWING received my commiflion, which was dated.
the 35th o f May 1768, I went on board on the 27th,
hoifled thé pennant, and took charge of the fhip, y 7
which'then lay in the bafon in Deptford Yard. She was
•fitted for fea with all expedition ; and {lores and.provifions Jul)r>.
being taken on board, failed down the river on the 30th of Sat“r^ ft3°-
July, and on the 13th of Auguft-anchored in Plymouth Saturday 13.
While we lay here waiting for a wind, the articles of war
and the ad! of parliament were read'to the.lhip’s company,
who were paid two months wages in advance, and told that
they were to expeCt no additional pay for the performance of.
the voyage.
On Friday the 26th of Auguft, the wind becoming fair, Friday z6.
we got under fail, and put to-fea. On the-31ft, we faw Wednef. 31,
feveral of the birds which the failors call Mother Carey’s
3 Chickens,