.6aob9=V 'be t0 kiH' them if '.they offered-apy farther violence.
In a.few minutes, however,: MrrQreep happening.^ ,turn
abapt, one; of them fnatched away: his hanger, and retiring
to a little diilance, waved it round his head, with alhoutof
exultation: the reft now began to be extremely infolent, and
•"•e faw more coming to join them from tile pppofite fide of
ahe river,; It was therefore becomp neceilary. torepr.qfsthetrt
and MivBapjis-fired at the man who had.taken the,hanger
with ftnall fliot, at the diilance of about fifteen .yard? ;;.when
the fhot llruck him, he ceafed his cry; but inflead, of returning
the hangers,t;ontinued to flourifh it over his head, ar the
fame time llouly retreating to a greater diilance. I Mr, Monk-
houfe feeing this, fired at him with ball, and .he inftantly
dropped. Upon this the main body, who had retired to a
rock in the middle o f the-river upon the firfl difchargc, began
to.returp,; two t,hat were.near to the man who had been
killed, ran up fo the body, one feized his weapon of green
Talc, and the other endeavoured to fecure the hanger, which
Mr. Monkhoufe had but juft time to prevent. As all that had
retir^fi ;to ;he u'pek were now advancing, three of us dif-
charge^!,our, pif.ee,?, loaded only with fmall fhot, upon which
^hey fwam back for, tthe.fhore; and we perceived, upon their
landing, that two or three; of them were wounded. They
retired! fiowly. up the country, and we reimbarked in our
As rwe had (unhappily experienced that nothing was. to be
done with thefe- people at this .pi ace, and.finding thewater
in the river to be fait, I proceeded in the boats round the
head o f the bay in fearch of frefh water, and with a defign,
if poffible, to furprife.’fome.of the natives, and take them on
board, where by kind treatment and prefents I might obtain
their friendfhip, and by their means eftablifh an amicable
correfpondence with their countrymen.
Td rtiy grédt re^tet^f found lid piaee Where I could land, 1769.0
dJüWiigërtm5 iftfrf eVctyJwHéretbdati;hg‘upon tffe“More; But; T d d "'<
fjtie «W •daÖÖ<Öt)<fbmii6^,ib fföfïi the'fèa, 'óhé 'tinder !faiT,!:and Monda)’ 9~
fh’é'ètWéf-wm'ked“wim pfddrek !tftfimi'gh't Wfs'ti'faVpufaBie
öppórthnïty to get fbrrië of the peóplé irtfd my pofle'fïïón
-wit-lteut mifcliiefj ail fftbfehh 'thé efetié'Wéi'e' pfbbaBltnfKér-.'
arioi^Mjl'ï'hAd' tfïrfeé? bffifts fuiioUmem
ï tliéréfofe thfpöfed fhé boat’s fo"as thöft effectually to ïntèr-
cépfthém'ih fheir wi'y'tó'the Moré'; the people in the canoe
that wak padfflèd perceived us fo fóön, that By making to
fhètpèareft'lahd with'their utfhdfi ftréngm, ‘they efcaped use
the other failted 'dri till'fhë "was1 irf the m’iÜft öf üs, without
difeernihg' wlraf wé’weré ; but: the moment flu. difeovereef
us, thd phople on board llruck their fail, anti took’ to their
paddles, which they plied fb bf'ifkly thatlhe du't-ran the boat.
They were however within hearing, arid Tripia called out
to them to come along fide, and prortiifed'fdf us that they
Mould come tono'hurt: theychofe, howëvèr, rather to trufl
to their paddles than our prdmi’fes, and continued to iriake
from us with all their power. I then ordered 1 fnufquet to
be fired over theif heads, asthe leafl exceptionable expedient
to atcomplifh my defign, hopiri^ it'Wóüld' ëtthèr fnakë therh
furrender or leap iritd the watelf Upon the difehargeof the
piece, they ceafed paddling; and all of them, being feven
in number, began to ftrip, as We imagined to jurrip overboard
; but it happened otherwife. They immediately
formed a refolution not to fly, but to fight; and when the
boat came up, they began the attack with their paddles, arid
with Hones and other offenfive weapons that were in the
boat, fo vigoroufiy, that we were obliged to fire upon them
in our own defence : four were unhappily killed, and- the
other three who were boys, the eldeft about nineteen, and
the youngeft about eleven, inftantly leaped into the water;
& the