1769. While we were about thefe idands, we expended very
. A“suft- . little of the fhip’s provilions, and were very plentifully fup-
Wednef.9. plied with h0gS) fovels, plantains and.yams, which we
hoped would have been o f great ufe to us in our courfe to the
fouthward; but the hogs would not eat European grain of
any kind, pulfe, or bread-duft, fa that we could not preferve
them alive ; and the fowls were all very foOn feized with a
difeafe that affedted the head fo, that they continued to hold
it down between their legs till they died: much dependence
therefore mud not be placed in live dock taken on board at
thefe places, at lead not till a difcovery is made of fome food
that the hogs will eat, and fome remedy for the difeafe of
the poultry.
Having been neceffarily detained at Ulietea fo long, by the
carpenters in dopping our leak, we determined to give up
our defign of going on fhore at Bolabola, efpecially as it appeared
to be difficult of accefs.
To thefe fix idands, Ulietea, Otaha, Bolabola, Huaheine,
Tubai, and Maurua, as they lie contiguous to each other, I
Sodtty gave the names of Society Islands, but did not think it
proper to didinguifti them feparately by any other names
than thófe by which thèy were known to the natives.
They are fituated between the latitude of 160 ro' and 160
5 / S. and between the longitude of 150*' y 7' and 1 j2° W. from
the meridian of Greenwich. Ulietea and Gtaha lie within
about two miles of each other, and are both inclofed within
one reef of coral rocks, fo that there is no palfage for fhip-
ping between them. This reef forms feveral excellefit harbours
; the entrances into them, indeed, are but narrow,
yet when a fhip is once in, nothing can hurt her. The harbours
on the eaft fide have been defcribed already; and on
the wed fide of Ulietea, which is the larged of the two, there
three The northermod, in which we lay, is called AJgoIt
Oh smaneno : the channel leading into it is about a quarter ^ „
of a mile wide, and lies between two, low fandy idands,
which are the northermod on this fide, between, or juft
within the two idands, there is good anchorage in twen y
eight fathom, foft ground. This harbour,
deferable to the others, becaufe it ts fituated in the .molt
fertile part of the idand, and where fredi water is^eafily o
be g o ? The other twQ. harbours lie to the fouthward of
this8 and not far from the foutli end of. the bland: in bot .
of them there is. good anchorage, with ten, twelve, and-
fourteen fathom. They are eafily known by three fma L
northermoft. I was told that there were mote havlx.ur. at
> I t a t h end of this Bland, but I did not caamme whether
the report was true.
Otaha afford, two very
iis Scalled OeherurSua, anEd hes ab&°ut ^ , afibBrdg g0od;
weft fide of the idand ; it is pretty ,
Sgeneral therem is no danger here butw what is vifible,
The idand of Bolabola lies N. W. and by W. from Otaha
. 9 1 1 H leagues ; it is furrounded by a reef of
m and feveral fmall idands, in compafs together about S i 1" . ™ .«>■>.pi - J| “,h1