1761- made fmooth water and good landing; thirty or forty of the
January. J '
*— -— 1 Indians foon made their appearance at the end of a fandy
Sunday 15. A * /
beach on the other fide of the bay, but feeing our number,
which was ten -or twelve, they retreated. Mr. Banks and
Dr. Solander then advanced about one hundred yards before
us, upon which two of the Indians returned, and, having
advanced fome paces towards them, fat down : as foon as
they came up, the Indians rofe, and each of them having a
fmall flick in his hand threw it away, in a direction both
from themfelves and the ftrangers, which was confidered
as the renunciation of weapons in token of.peace: they then
walked brifkly towards their companions, who had halted
at about fifty yards behind them, and beckoned the Gentlemen
to follow, which they did. They were received with*
many uncouth figns of friendfhip; and, in return, they dif-
tributed among them fome beads and ribbons, which had
been brought on fhore for that purpofe, and with which they
were greatly delighted. A mutual confidence and good-will,
being thus produced, our parties joined ■, the converfation,
fuch as it was, became general; and three of them accompanied
us back to the fhip. When they came on board, one
of them, whom we took to be a prieft, performed much the.
fame ceremonies which M. Bougainville defcribes, and.fup-
pofes to be an exorcifm. When he was introduced into a
new part of the fhip, or when any thing that he had not
feen before caught his attention, he fhouted with all his-
force for fome minutes, without directing his voice either,
to us or his companions.
They eat fome bread and fome beef, but not apparently
with much pleafure, though fuch part of what was given
them as they did not eat they took away with them; bus
they would not fwallow a drop either of wine or fpirits t
they put the glafs to their lips, but, having tailed the liquor,
they returned it, with ftrong expreflions of difguft. Curiofity
feems to be one of the few paffions which diftinguifh men g^ ~
from brutes ; and of this our guefts appeared to have very
little. They went from one part of the fhip to another, and
looked at the vaft variety of new objefts that every moment
prefented themfelves, without any expreffion either of wonder
or pleafure, for the vociferation of our exorcift feemed to
be neither.
After having been on board about two hours, they ex-
prefied a defire to go afhore. A boat was immediately ordered,
and Mr. Banks thought fit to accompany them ‘ he
landed them in fafety, and conduced them to their companions,
among whom he remarked the fame vacant indifference,
as in thofe who had been on board j for as on one
fide there appeared no eagernefs to relate, fo on the other
there feemed to be no curiofity to hear, how they had been
received, or what they had feen. In about half an hour,
Mr. Banks returned to the fhip, and the Indians retired from
the fhore.