E. O TtJ N D T H E’. W O R I. D- 265
1769. Augiift.
Thurf^iy 3 -
die'asm.-, below, chat, they were covered, with black cloth,
which fee Clofe to the body at the fide of each breaft, next
the amt, was placed a fmall plume of black,feathers, much
in- the fame manner as pur ladies.now wear tlicir noiegays or
'iiouquet.S'i itipcjn.. their hips relied a quantity of cloth phi.ted
very- full, which reached up to the breaft, and fell down
below into long petticoats, which quite concealed their feet,
and which they managed with as much dexterity as our
opera dancers could have done;: the plaits above the waift
iyere brown and white alternately, the petticoats below were
all white.
I in this drefs they advanced fideways in a meafured ftep,
keeping excellent time to the drums, which beat brifkly and
loud; foon after they began to fhake their hips, giving the
folds of cloth that lay upon them a very quick motion,
which was in fome degree continued through the whole
dance; though the body was thrown into various poftures*
fometimes Handing, fometimes fitting, and fometimes retting
on their knees and elbows, the fingers alfo being moved
at the fame time with a quicknefs fcarcely to be imagined.
Much of the dexterity of the dancers, however, and the entertainment
of the fpeftators, confided in the wantonnefa
of their attitudes and geftures, which was, indeed, fuch as.
exceeds all defeription.
One of thefe girls had in her ear three pearls; one o f them
was very large, but fo foul that it was of little value; the
other two were as big as a middling pea ; thefe were clear,
and of a good colour and lhape,- though fpotled by the drilling.
Mr. Banks would fain have purchafed them, and
offered the owner any thing the would alk for them, but fhe
could not be perfuaded to part,with them at any price; he
tempted her with the value of four hogs, and whatever elfe
fhe thould chufe, but without fuccefs ; and indeed they fet
a value: