i77°- none; for when nails were given'them, they alked Tupia
^ February ^ they were. The term Whom, indeed, conveyed to them
i hurfday 8. idea not of their quality, but only of their ufe; for it is
the fame by which they diftinguifh a tool, commonly made
o f bone, which they ufe both as an augur and a duffel.
However, their knowing that we had Whom to fell, was a
proof that their connexions extended as far north as Cape
Kidnappers, which was diftant no lefs than forty-five leagues;
for that was the fauthermoft place on this fide the coaft
where we had had any traffic with the natives. It is alfo
probable, that the little knowlege which the inhabitants of
Queen Charlotte’s Sound had of iron, they obtained from
their neighbours at Tierawitte; for we had no reafon to
think that the inhabitants of any part of this coaft had the
leaft knowlege of iron or its ufe before we came among them,
efpecially as when it was firft offered they feemed to disregard
it as of no value. We thought it probable, that we
were now once more in the territories of Teratu; but upon
enquiring of thefe people, they faid that he was not their
King. After a ffiort time, they went away, much gratified
with the prefents that we had made them; and we purfued
our courfe along the Ihore to the N. E. till eleven o’clock the
Friday 9. next morning. About this time, the weather happening to
clear up, we faw Cape Turnagain, bearing N. by E. i E. at
the diftance of about feven leagues: I then called the officers
upon deck, and alked them, whether they were not now
fatisfied, that Eahienomauwe was an ifland; they readily
anfwered in th„e affirmative, and all doubts, being now removed,
we hauled our wind to the eaftward.