R O U N D T H E WO R LD. 259
and T amou : between thefe lies the other channel into the }0 $i.
, July.
harbour, through which I went out, and which is a full quar- v—^--- f
ter of a mile wide. Still farther to the north weft are fome t im m’
other fmall iflands, near which I am told there is another
fmall channel into the harbour; but this I know only by
The principal refreftiments that are to be procured at this
part of the ifland are, plantains, cocoa-nuts, yams, hogs, and
fowls; the hogs and fowls, however, are fcarce ; and the
country, where we faw it, is neither fo populous, nor fo rich
in produce as Otaheite, or even Huaheine. Wood and water
may alfo be procured here.; but the water cannot conveniently
be got at.
We were now again at fea, without having received any
interruption from the hoftile inhabitants o f Bolabola, whom,
notwithftanding the fears of Tupia, we intended to vilit. At
four o’clock in the afternoon of the 35th, we were within a Tuefday 2;.
league of Otaha, which bore N. 77 W. To the northward of
the fouth end of that ifland, on the eaft fide of it, and fome-
thing more than a mile from the fhore, lie two fmall iflands,
called Toahoutu and Wi-iennuaia ; between which, Tupia Toahoutu.
fays, there is a channel into a very good harbour, which lies w“"l"lla,it'
within the reef, and appearances confirmed his report.
As I difcovered a broad channel between Otaha and Bolabola,
I determined rather to go through it, than run to the
northward of all ; but the wind being right a-head, I got no
, Between, five and fix in the evening of the 2.6th, as I was Wed.iff.2S.
ftanding to the northward,. I difcovered a fmall low ifland,
lying N. by W. or N. N-W- diftan-t four.or five leagues from
Bolabola. We were told by. Tupia that the name of this
Vor.. II. L I ifland