C H A P . V.
The Pajfage through the S treig ht o f L e M a ire, and a
fu r th e r D efer iption o f the Inhabitants o f Terra del
Fuego, and its ProduSl'ions.
Thurfday ig.
Friday 20.
ON the 18th and 19th, we were delayed in getting on
board our wood and water by a fwell: but on the goth,
the weather being more moderate, we again fent the boat
on Ihore, and Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander went in it. They
landed in the bottom of the bay, and while my people were
employed in cutting brooms, they purfued their great objeCt,
the improvement o f natural knowlege, with fuccefs, collecting
many Ihells and plants which hitherto have been altogether
unknown: they came on board to dinner, and afterwards
went again on Ihore to vifit an Indian town, which
fome of the people had reported to lie about two miles up-
the country. They found the diftance not more than by the
account, and they approached it by what appeared to be the
common road, yet they were above an hour in getting thither,
for they were frequently up to their knees in mud; when
they got within a fmall diftance, two of the people came out
to meet them, with fuch ftate as they could aflume ; when
they joined them, they began-to hollowas they had done on
board the Ihip, without addreffing themfelves either to the
ftrangers or their companions ; and having continued this
ftrange vociferation fome time, they conducted them to the
town. It was fituated on a dry knoll, or fmall hill, covered
with wood, none of whichTeemed to have been cleared away,
and confided of about twelve or fourteen hovels, of the moft