feathers of the tibiae and tarsi sometimes white and sometimes
a deep ferruginous, but invariably having numerous
bars of dark brown. The feet yellow, the claws dark born-
The whole length of the immature specimen figured was
twenty-four inches; the beak black ; the cere and irides
yellow; the top of the head, the cheeks, nape and upper
part of the neck, pale buff, each feather streaked or patched
in the centre with dark brown ; the hack, wing-coverts and
rump, clove-brown, some of the feathers edged with fawn-
colour ; primaries brownish-black; upper tail-coverts buffy-
white, with an angular brown patch near the end of each
feather; upper surface of the tail huffy-white on the proximal
half, the distal half brown. The chin, throat and breast,
fawn-colour, tinged with ferruginous, streaked and patched
with brown ; the belly almost uniform clove-brown ; thighs
and tarsi covered with feathers of fawn-colour spotted with
brown: the toes yellow; the claws black : under surface of
the primaries to the end of the broad part of the inner web,
white, from the emargination, brownish-black: under tail-
coverts uniform buffy-white: proximal half of the under
surface of the tail white, the distal half greyisli-brown.
P e r n is a p iv o r u s (Linnæus*).
T H E H O N EY -B U Z ZA R D .
Pernis apivorus.
P e r n i s , Cuvier f .— Bill slender, ratlie r weak, curved from th e base, the cutting
edge of the upper mandible nearly straight ; th e cere large ; nostrils elongated,
placed obliquely; the lores closely covered w ith small scale-like feathers. Wings
long and large ; th e first quill-feather short ; th e th ird and fourth feathers the
longest ; inner webs of th e first four deeply notched. Tail long. Tarsi short,
half-plumed, the rest reticulated ; toes of moderate length and strength ; the
claws slender and only slightly curved.
T h e H o n e y -B u z za r d is a rare species in this country,
and if not exclusively a summer-visitor the fact is mainly
* Falco apivorus, Linnæus, Syst. Nat. Ed. 12, i. p. 130 (1766).
f Règne Animal, i. p. 322 (1817).