X Contents
IV. T he G oats—Genus Capra—continued
7. The Alpine Ibex—Capra ibex - .
8. The Asiatic Ibex—Capra sibirica . .
a. Thian Shan Race—Capra sibirica typica
b. Himalayan Race—Capra sibirica sacin .
c. Dauvergne’s Race—Capra sibirica dauvergnei . .
9. The Markhor—Capra falconeri .
a. Astor Race—Capra falconeri typica
b. Pir-Panjal Race—Capra falconeri casbmiriensis .
c. Cabul Race-—Capra falconeri megaceros .
a. Suleman Race—Capra falconeri j erdoni .
V. T he T ahr—Genus Hemitragus. . . •
1. The Himalayan Tahr—Hemitragus jemlaicus
2. The Siwalik Tahr—Hemitragus sivalensis (Extinct)
3. The Arabian Tahr—Hemitragus jayakeri .
4. The Nilgiri Tahr—Hemitragus bylocrius .
APPENDIX—Bibliography of Wild Oxen, Sheep, and Goats .
1. G aur. From a male in the Bri tish Museum and photographs . . . To face page 23
2. G ayal. From a bull in the Zoological Society’s Menagerie . . . ^
3. J avan Banting. From a male in the British Museum and Schlegel’s figure . „ 36
4. Y ak. From a male in the.British Museum . . . | . ^
5. E uropean Bison. From a Caucasian male in the British Museum . . n
6. American Bison. From specimens living at Woburn Abbey . . . „ 7 9
7- C ape Buffalo. From a male in the British Museum and photographs . . „ 9 7
8. Congo Buffalo. The figure of a cow in the foreground from a sketch in the
possession of Sir Douglas Brooke, and the one in the background from a male . „ 106
.9. Indian Buffalo . . . . . . . . jjg
10. T amarau and A noa. From male specimens in the British Museum . . . 128
1 1. Musk-Ox . • • • • • ■ • „ 1 4 2
12. E uropean M uflon. From a sketch by Wolf in the possession of Lady Brooke . „ 154
13. Salt-Range U rial. From a male in the British Museum . . . 166
14. Siberian A rgali. From a ram in summer pelage in the British Museum. . „ 174
15* T ibetan A rgali. From a sketch by Wolf of a herd in winter pelage in the possession
.of Sir Douglas Brooke . . . . jgQ
16. Marco Polo’s Sheep, Pamir Race. From a male in summer pelage in the
British Museum • ■ . . . . jgg
17. Rocky Mountain Bighorn. From a male in the British Museum . . 209
1 7a. Kamschatkan Bighorn. Partly from an immature male in winter pelage in
the British Museum • • . . . . 221
18. A rui, or A frican Sheep. From a male in the British Museum, and specimens
in the Zoological Society’s Menagerie . . . . . 226
19. Bharal, or Blue Sheep. From specimens in the Zoological Society’s Menagerie „ 231
20. East C aucasian T ur. From a sketch by Wolf of a male in the possession of Sir
Douglas Brooke . . . . . . 243