Ami 227
Ammotragus tragelaphus, Gray, Knvwsley Menagerie, p. 40 (1850), Cat.
JJngulata Brit. Mils. p. 179 (1852), Cat. Ruminants Brit. Mus. p. 134H872).
Musimon tragelaphus, Gervais, Hist, Nat. Mamm. p. 192 (1855).
Plate X V III.
Characters.-—-Size igsmparatively large, the height at the shoulder
being about ■ S e t 3 inches. Withers relatively tall, and hind-quarters
F ig. 43 .—Head of male Arui. (Rowland Ward, Records o f Big Game .)
low. Head rather long, without face-glands below the eyes, and no pits
in the skull for their reception ; ears relatively large. A short upright
mane extending from the nape of the neck, to the middlqs«ithe back. In
males a fringe of very long and perfectly, straight hair commencing on the
throat and gslntinued down the middle line to split on the chest and
terminate at the origin of each fore-leg ; after a short interval continued
on the front and outer surface of the leg to a short distance above the knee,
below which the hairs depend. Tail long, tufted in its terminal half, and