European Muflon r S 5
Caprovis musimon, Hodgson, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, vol. xvi. p. 702
(1847) ; Gray, Cat. Ungulata Brit. Mus. p. 173 (1852), Cat. Ruminants Brit.
Mus. p. 56 (1872).
Musimon musmon, Gervais, Hist. Nat. Mamm. vol. ii. p. 191 (1855)' ;
Graells, Mem. Ac. Madrid, vol. xvii. p. 369 (1897).
Plate X II.
Characters. — Size small, the height at the shoulder being about 27
inches; females usually hornless. Horns of male fairly large, stout, and
Fro. 29.^Head of male European Muflon. From a specimen in the British Museum.
( Rowland Ward, Records o f B ig Game.)
strongly wrinkled ISthe front surface markedly distinct from the outer one,
the front outer angle rounded off, but the inner one distinct; the curvature
of the hornfffbrming a close spiral of afgput one complete circle, with the
tips bending forwards and outwards so as to be situated almost immediately
below the eyes. Hair close and thick, elongated in winter on the throat
of the rams to form a distinct fringe, and with a thick coat of woolly