West Caucasian Tur 2 4 7
black or blackish ; a more eft less distinct light stripe on the back of the
lower portion of the legs, and a white spot on the fore-pasterns above the
cleft of the hoofs ; no dark line on back. In winter the hair much longer and
coarser. In young males,at this season the general colour is light yellowish-
brown, with the same dark markings on the chin, tail, and legs,, and also an
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Fig. 46.—West Caucasian Tur. (From Prince Demidoff’s Hunting Trips to the Caucasus.)
ill-defined dark line down the middle of the back ; the margins of the lips
being whitish, and the white spot above the front hoofs wanting. In young
females more white is showtflrc the muzzle. Beard, except at the roots,
similar in colour to the rest of the pelage ; horns and hoofs deep black.
The form of the horns, their wide, separation at the base, the uniform
chestnut hue of the summer pelage on the upper-parts; the white spot