VI Preface
indebted to Lady Brooke and Sir Douglas Brooke, to whom the originals
respectively belong. H I thanks are likewise due to the Duchess of
Bedford, Sir Edmund G. Loder, and Mr. David T. Hanbury for \Hfious
illustrations j-i while acknowledgments must likewise be made for those
borrowed from the works of Prince Demidoff and Mr. H. Z. Darrah.
Harpenden, ist December 1898. C O N T E N T S
Introductory j
I. T he Oxen— Genus Bos . ' r5
i. Typical or Taurine Group—Sub-Genus Bos . . . . . 8
1. The Common Ox—Bos taurus . . . . . . 9
a. European Wild Race, or Aurochs—Bos taurus primigenius (Extinct) . . 10
b. North African Wild Race—Bos taurus mauritanicus (Extinct) . . . 14.
<• Domesticated Breeds—Bos taurus typicus . . . . . 1 5
2. The Narbada Ox—Bos namadicus (Extinct) . . . _ _ jg
3. The Zebi^ or Humped Ox—Bos indicus . . . . . . jg
4* The Siwalik Ox—Bos acutifrons (Extinct) • ... ... . . _ 2o
ii. Bibovine Group—Sub-Genus Bibos . . . . 22
1. The Gaur—Bos gaurus . . . . . . . 2 3
2. The Gayal—Bos frontalis . . . . . . , , j
3. The Banting-—Bos sondaicus . . . . _ , _ ^6
a. Javan Race—Bos sondaicus typicus . . . . _ _ ^9
b. Burmese Race—ifaj- sondaicus birmanicus . . . . _ .[
' c. Manipur Race—Bos sondaicus, var. . . . . . . 43
iii. Leptobovine Group—Sub-Genus Leptobos (Extinct) - . . . ^g
1. The Etruscan Ox—Bos elatus (Extinct) . . . . . . +g
2. Falconer’s Ox—-Bos falconeri (Extinct) .. * ‘ . . . . . .
iv. Bisontine Group—Sub-Genus Bison . . - . . . 5 0
1. The Yak—Bos grunniens . . . . . . _ _ ^ r
2.. The Siwalik Bison—Bos sivalensis (Extinct) . . . . 6 0
3. The Plistocene Bison—Bos priscus (Extinct) . . . . . . 5 j
4. The European Bison—Bos bonasus . . . „ g .