Plate X II I.
GharacterMmjjize medium, the. height at the shoulder varying from
32 to 36 inches; both sexes horned ; the face-pits in the skull large. Adult
males with a more or less developed ruif of long hair on the throat,
commencing as two large tufts on each side of the chin, but soon uniting,
and • extending downwards to; the chest. Horns: of male arising close
together on. the head, curving in a circular form at first backwards and
outwards, and then forwards and inwards,lb that their tips come more or
less nearly below the line o f the eyes > the curvature in 'some cases almost
or completely in one plane, but in other instanceHforming a spiral, very
seldom exceeding, a circle ; all the three surfaces marked with coarse
transverse wrinkles;, varying in distance, from one another either individually,
or according -to age and locality ; the two front anglsifmore or
less distinctly marked, in some cases forming prominent nodose beads,
between which the front surface I f concave. Horns of female short and
nearly-straight. Colour of upper-parts rufoujf>r©wn or gray in summer,
light grayish-brown in winter ; tail, buttocks, l im g and under-parts
white or whitish ; throat and chest ruff in some cases black throughout,
but usually with some white hairs, and in old rams of one race entirely
white in front passing into black at the base ; muzzle in jijd animals
white or whitish ;,..a black or brownish-black patch behind each shoulder,
and in some c a s e « line on the flanks and markings on the outer side of
the limbs slsjgi blackish-brown.
The following are some of the largest horn-measurements recorded by
Mr. Rowland Ward in the 1896 editiofeof Records o f Big Game-.—