Red-crested Duck.
Am* rvßna. Pttll. Reise, tom. ii. p. 713
Branta rußna, Boie, Isis. 1822, p. 564.
Fuligula rußtut, Steph. Cont. of Shaw's Ged. Zool.. vol. xii. p. 188, pit
Callicken rußceps, Brehm, Vög. Deutschi., p. 922.
rufinus, Brehm, Vög. Deutschi., p. 924, tab. 42. fig. 4.
Netto rußna, Kaup, Natürl. Syst., p. 102.
Mergoides rußna, Eyton, Cat. of Brit. Birds, p. 57.
Aythya rußna, Macgtil. Man. Nat. Hist., Orn., to! ii. p. 191.
ii. record of the occurrence of this
aries in giving it a place in our av
rded as a sonthern and eastern ra
our islands. That it is tolerably
u his ‘ Catalogue des Mammifere
at lakes of that country ; and Mr.
at be frequently saw several pairs
ick in Engki
and a four u in me presen
pecies, and <
ica is certain,»mon in North since the late
it des Oiseaux observés en Algérie ’ tiia
Ivin, in his * Five Months' Birds’-nesting
the open pools at the upper end o f the
: obtained, one o f which, contained seven eggs, of a most brilliant fresl
h, when the contents were expelled and the shells had become dry, wer
might reasonably infer, its range extends in an easterly direction fro
India; for We learn,
ughout the greater pa
tanks and j heels, genet
near approach. Its ni
Duck for the table. A
■om Mr.
of the •
I are constant I v on the mov
: sadly
P this
the birds o f that country, that it is there
rare in the south. It chiefly frequenls
' the water, and is a wary bird, not usually
ronred, and by some persons is considered
sview' remarks that “ during the day the
c another, now screaming, all up at once,
tlavas; and Colonel Sykes includes it in
of India. According to Dr. Latham, it inèlsewhèrë
vin '
i his ' Ornithology o f Italy and “ it will
Willugliby obtained this duck in the mar-
X'curs, generally arrives towards the end
■s in small parties o f from three to six in
, it arrives about the same time. Aceord-
. especially during winter and spring, in
“ I had the pleasure,’
this country in January
with some Widgeons. :
in England. During tf