T A D.< t li
|gj|k Faun. Suec., p. 39.
f * t'r Gtnel. Reise, tom. ii. ». ¥
jjj$i Boie, Isis, 1822, p. Ml.
Stepli; Cont. of Shaw’s fw?
Flem.Hist. of Brit. Aüi-f
iilptralis, et mariltma, Bni.i,
Kvy*. et Bias. Wirbrith t
It m t t , I -¡>ifew that the Sheid r..'. a?
¡Dd^mnw v.. CM' itiwdis—the breadth wt %
and tbe »iföfe «au *$ iwi} and bur», hit combttaM^c ft
feature« M rsw-'»«»»»»?«! k ki ow MtKr, its aeiHum -•«•■
over the ffNBt <r#?& ease, «wt»* buoyantly, and
cordane*’ ■*■< ashler (|iwliMifii<'MWi», for whew rtMptg. )%■ ••:•*: s. ”*■ %■%- *
advantage, 1?. tfe»?* ¡?# t s we sea or to wherever it# iftlftlMklft k£ &
ractcrhwd ** .*»d *i£wous. What part id tftr fyrH---
destined (« dMMtNNb ■ Mlw a*At, or the ornamental ? Ifetv
and un*»vfMiry, ttoni scarcely fit for htfcNM&t %k$-
sense; and w» #% ivvpeet ho bird plays its part Mfei’tr
strictly sgtsvite* wbwi o. i Iwm of resort are the ¿iiftft ftftjfttr
if pinioned Si. Mtftfefj* be««»«* dmaeatkated, and soon wwfc** «1®«#' u® ^«uwt m # t f br;-.--.. pumi. m dNwK vrf
water on wtenr.lt it vuty he {dared ?, and hence it has boro«» ft v
water-fowl, reaao» for this favouritism may he suilftMfth'*' tftft vA&ifti iW kb® ?r*k
the Mallard, <t»d other wewsbcr« of the Duck tribe which -£%;£
off their scat at’ihre -t*, IftMwHMlM'r, and become o f the dvtl heo**a hue M ftk&M tv..’ 1
sexes, hftvia«' m m ««pwred their beftati&l adult garb, always wftwa
Much ha» hem writ*«» ewy tnrins the breeding o f the SlMAiMhi fa ;h- .•« ■• ■■• » v>,- .
authors affar*««« that »»it o«wtd*eN if not salt water, are essential to ii* exartener
that this n> Mft she n*w . tor, vtUMWjg many other persons whom I nog In »I**»®** tm >mh. •fcft#' 1#*«: ft
cessfnl in H tftftp Mr. John Noble, of Berry Hill, near i'aplo*, »» a-.-
beautiful «rt*IW«d fejfcs sm t s i of' fliese fine birds annually breed when the «MM» fai •.;-
may be sees1 hvrnU diMMrtmg Utemselves from year’s end to yeaf's end. It w ¡tiw> -tetil a-.-v -«.«kci >•.
injurious to Urn- jftUHff hwnsd, and that they should be kept from it for some time after <fc» * *r> u«t<-hed;
this in the m*t*> ¡mix prdtwbly be wtmh attending to, but broods are successfully reared at Berry Mill without
any precawtwft ^ #«* fcsud- A cltttcb « voting Sheldrakes were hatched under a hen of the common Fowl
from egg» land the w r w e e k to June; on the 21st of August they were nearly as large as the
adults, and sB this wwr tiad the »•-?' a purplish flesh-colour; the eyes dark brown; the feet clouded
purplish yeihtw, •. back of •■■«■.• bead and neck black; all the under surface white; no band of
chestnut on the fctwAM ■ utmar* mark brown; and no appearance o f the knob on the bill. By the 8th of
October in the # #w the chestnut band had become almost perfect, and the plumage in every respect
assimilating to ffarf ut «he ad»k, so that in a month later the one could scarcely be told from the other.
With I» the parts of the British Islands in which the Sheldrake is to be seen in a state of natsrt
the difficulty is to *av **>» where it may, but where it may not be met with ; for it is to be found more or
less in ever* ftwrnty hordewog the sea, from Cornwall to the Hebrides ; wherever there are any low sandy
districts in the neighbourhood o f the sea and its great inlets, denes and dunes o f any extent, and warrca»
in the vieiam of the ocea», there it may be seen. In Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Lincolnshire, m the
east ami the flat shores of Lancashire, on the west, this bird does now, or did a few years ago, bring Ibrth
its voting. Os the continent of Europe the Sheldrake inhabits all the maritime coasts, from the Med*
terranean to the Bakir, and is equally numerous in North Africa, Asia Minor, in India, and all ak**? <fc-
»ea-wbores and the borders o f the great rivers of China and Japan. In America it is not found; nrisWt
I meet with it in Australia; and I believe, but am not certain, that it .does not occur in Sooth Afrb*
•The Sheldrake,” says Mr. Selby, “ continues in its native haunts through the whole year, *g*d *<»*-
owe tmired seen» to live with the same mate till accident or death dissolves the conaeKMm ^ - ■ ■-%;