. for I never knew of an instance o f the Widgeon breeding in this country,
Granting that the main body of the Widgeons that winter here go northwa
April, it becomes necessary to state into what countries they proceed for that
y>>. Wolley and Mr. Wheelwright it breeds abundantly in Lapland, being one o f tb
birds o f that country; and Mr. Proctor informed Mr. Yarrell that a few breed in I©
generally among low bushes near the edge of the fresh waters. Generally speaking
at one season or the other, the whole o f the northern and temperate regions of the <
in the west to Japan in the east. In Finland it is especially common during sumr
all the northern portions o f the countries within the limits I have mentioned. Ir
Southern Europe it’also occurs duriug summer as numerously as with us. Loche
all the three provinces o f Algeria; and Dr. Baird that it is an accidental visitor to
United States o f America. On examining a number of male examples, difference
be observed not unworthy the attention of the ornithologist, some having the w
upper half of the wing white, while in others the same part is mottled with broi
pointed out to me, in the first instance, by Mr. Fountaine, coupled with the rema
the shoulder shows very conspicuously when the bird is swimming; I consider
distinguished are the older birds. The females are more uniform or rowner,
accompanying plate.
Speaking of the birds inhabiting Sutherland, Mr. Selby s a y s “As the Widgeon
detected breeding in Britain, we were much pleased to see several pairs upon the s
which, we concluded, had tbeir nests among the reeds and other herbage which grc
were not so fortunate as to find one here; but afterwards, upon one o f the islan
sprung a female, which was shot from her nest containing seven eggs. It was place
rush-bush, and was made of decayed rushes and reeds, with a lining of warm dov
The eggs' were smaller than those of the Wild Duck, and of a rich cream-whii