Denmark, and then from those of Scotland. At a later period it has been successfully banished from the
Orkneys, the Faroes, and St. Kilda. Then, too, a casual but natural event accelerated its fate. The eruption
of a submarine volcano on the coast o f Iceland, by laying low one o f its chief abodes, has contributed
effectually to its destruction. But worse than all this has been the blow which, on the discovery o f America,
came upon the portion o f the race inhabiting the Newfoudland islets, when it was brought suddenly face to
face with a powerful and hitherto unknown enemy, and where the result has been what invariably happens
when a simple tribe o f savages, used only to the primeval customs o f its forefathers, is all at once confronted
with invaders o f the highest type o f civilization : ‘ the place thereof knoweth it no more.’ ”
The figure in the accompanying Plate is about two thirds o f the natural size.