— caudacuie, hm
Dafila caudacuto. St
acuta, Eyton.
Anas longicauda (Bt
caudata, Rrvhs
Trachelonetta ocutm
Querquedula «imAr* ‘
Phasiommt* m M )
domestic varwdc
praise o f the del
its congeners—*
All three species
to our lakes and
total change o f <
though not so g<
harmonious cole
its two central f
How great w til
the Mallard!'
In the British
result of long observation ttflti
may be said o f the southern d**
is confirmed by the late Kober
o f Sanda, where it frequents ('
met with it in the neighbour!«.
End in severe weather..
“A winter visitant to t t e ' t
species taken when tfc* #
small numbers, and» a» W
of the world, I may #w«w
throughout Europe, fm» jffi
throughout India, the V*
. to Honduras, and, dtws#*&
this vast extent of ri>w<\
Mr. E. C. Taylor, l b S.--
Gaptain Loche * tdw that W
specimens were shot wmr wi
winter visitants to twaa.
it in the lists of fewd* « 0 = > v
Formosa j Captain
land ; Dr. Walker ^
Blakiston in Britwh IM f e
Island j ’ Dr. Baird i f e
and observed »< to he cww*®