TEIL.1LOW B U J ^ T U ^ T G r .
Embenza citnnella; Miami.
(' iildiiii : 1 1 . ,
percbwdi dw braaeSi 0 jfipi | | | | § fa. rleUr eefounti 8, Hm ^
i o tw » b*r<I wtftiM, i t ie s i com in o o . e x c i te g r e a tiH te r ew t <:-• e?*e pfs&ii-i!« 'tfavefter, a& well a s in ?!
exclusively & eountiy life, and who tJie.retbre have* it mt&ir vhwrvAkivn «farms ¡h h •.
jpSPImale is most »i6fc»«:cive fa I,lie early, months o f spring, his energies at this period having by the nat
iaipftlaft warned him of the approaching breeding-time. Now, being mated, he may be seen mourned on
mtkfa t&ttufer twig pouring fort* his simple song, which, although neither melodious nor varied, neverth*
:fa«s> natural simplicity which cannot fail to please, and it is doubtless cheerfully listened to by his less i
mate, who prefers the more secluded bush or more dense parts of the hedge-row.
bellow Bunting is rather a late breeder, seldom commencing until % herbage is suftcien ly
¡isfacd if a complete shelter from observation; The shelving side o f a babk or tuft o f grass is gene rally scfa
¿ftp 'the situation *of the nest, which is most neatly constructed o f dried grasses and moss, lined with I
gwima nd hair: the eggs are four or. five in number, of a pale- bluish white, marked with spdisj avid li.ie
viftiii spreads over fields and arable lands; in severe weath-r resorting to farm-yards nod similar situata
it as* *rsj believe, indigenous in «wry part of Europe, to which quarter of the world it appears to he stri
as we have uever seen any examples of it in collections from any other localstv.
^ul'. young during '(&:■ autumn resemble the female, which, as we have alvov« natt'd, w ■«*««&
{«’iSwt't in all her . mark hip. 'th*u’5 sjfar male. .
If^. iiaide h p the chest , and under surface rich gamboge reflow, the danktf
•«lipdi^^i^eovbrts streafcsid-^^iifsj^l^^^rps«:}-- wd» bvowa ¡ndfa»*tf to oh*4«.
I I ^ ||j fa&fcfccf Awfect | HiVi.-.i-.': '■;[.•■ ■'■•>■)' ;*-;‘ii*vr cdgVM . ,1 | ■"
ilflNpwfc black, th e o u te r edges o f tfee feflsfeftPfc ydSl-w, $ 0 vfce h n c i web ©f - h>, i i u v w ? * ••
f»kitdhed with white; legs and'feet yellowish hn>vu.
hpper surface of the female resembles- that off tfeic »wsiif. 4"'ft *u-»r '-.m» la'iU'Wf!.; the an
is not so bright, ¡uid is destitute the ricii i.iiv dstftfait w . $ mil»:■ . i ,. •
nale and female of the natural size.