Corvus corone, ÍZ¿nnJ
C A R R I ' O K CM O W
j ■ ■ . . ÜorvA« §j|píÍIÍ him.
We afc inthwtad to Mi/wu -ijífta ííS&e rmige o f (ftliHiM. i$f jÉft wefl-knovm species 1$ not so cxt<n;«iw'ft3 is
í J l ^ lÉ l l t fWpfWHKflli. to»f. ...f dvs bird* .■dftáátft ^nntafes; ri&ough tery símslat* a¡-e
specifically éjutmei iteri: ‘¿¡4 h.^u :r ^.'arrion. Crow :é í ;i :..o ü-jíh each other, a»<Í>bac .aítiiougli
these díceres»:«! Are hius »«» the casual observer, they will be found oír a critical mábamaíiiHi to be
sufficiently huftfwlttHi, . - /
Thd iijiipW ‘ . ' .»51/ dftsrihuted o' 1 e British Islands» where f t ¿s a p eraw n ft'« en d eu t *
it also ’lift t-f1 ■- isttnl.over t.lw vresiswi portion of the ISitropeaa continent, but; ft rarely ÍmI I i -
SO lar easA & k j ! aftíi/v¡!5 >'r:íj; parts oí. : . ■ . ‘1 In its habits, manners, and .:;;-,;-i¡or;v.i ecos; joiy'.fch.'; C^rii; :)í¡
Crow ft. (f e t m *${< iíirtí'íjivi s' like that bird it wanders about in pans; y to & f b # m a m á >aririeW V
dispeftiikm, wn Kfeyifieás op a j& aw h o f n&aw,, which may, however, be partly attributed to 4he .persecution
i t maid» wC4 Ihiwtt almost |i§!g- The Crow *. -i moré poó^rfijlfeúd ro&ist bird t b ¿ & Hook, hóm
which, it may readily by she greeaiafe «aq tftó hue of its plumage, and by its tu.ckencd lucí
mare arched bill, whieh'l^ift*Mi«Íi»to!fei'od of the bristly feathers ibbi cover the Ira 'irid 'n o strils; I t is iilll
clearly destined by «aturé Vo' fulé©». very diiferent office] for, white Rooks congregate, in immense flocks
observed, wanders about in sclitáüy parrs, or at most in parties, o f sik or eight m teanjb. of all kinds of
carrion, upon which ft f e d s «wariomiys and hence it may be iix*qoent!w ^ ienied on t j i banks of the forger
vivero, which constantly afford ft, a jftjjjÉjjjt of putrid animal matter j to this kW o f food are occasionally added
eggS. «Sft kinds M &’ ft Cyefi so daring when pressed by hunger a» to attack vefy young
W&tft once ttiistitst, ft **»«s»*kW- npnuiu' BkuB (jrows never aaahr sena rate and if mwiiulfBtefl i
their cJiiHjjirj) the, «ame mar ¡sfttttrto jv -'ti- s'l^r not otáv to ftw same kx-iiitv hut to
the same tree, T1**MftWd as ss»»t»lly placed hr a fori .w r fftji (wife is <rf ,, sm.-ilftt' ,
and is constrwifKtd' e|f • .*»«m!, hoed with woftf and ink. The eggs-arc W or iw «..,>'1»,,. «•,,
-greenish :,di:, fhicWy set jwtchcs o f ash-coloured browu -
It is ¡xerlmjft ftw¡: iBtitii'Wfttófe'lSfc- tb# of {^wne.(»»tt»'e»««iiwil-'wS,. aNtd.'jm coaroequtHW^
r IwSll (¡f |j >' If É * ■ ' • ;. | ,.r ¡ |
•Mb Í5»*0íti::wdf«'tftfp‘■ Hi!- u |P ÍÍÍp ||ÍÍÍÍ
1 he se.Wv........ ......... ■ ■ ; • ■ ' : : • - , arid d r - 0 0 .’U; 1 IU1
H ie whole of c bring glossed will» blue and ¿-reenish refeactonsi bill,
legs, and foci: black, ^ two | | | | Mi*j; iu ltumn», o r {date,
The figure íb o f die . .