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Erythrospiza? githaginea.
P y rrh u ta githaginea, Temm.
Le Bouvreuil githagine.
We have never been able to obtain more than a single specimen of this rare Little Grosbeak, whose native
habitat is doubtless the northern and central portions of Africa: M. Temminck states that it is found in
Nubia and Syria, whence it accidentally passes into Provence and other parts o f the south of Europe ; it is also
said to visit the islands of the Archipelago. In his description, and in the figure of this species, published in
the ‘Planches Coloriées,’ M. Temminck has represented the bill and legs as being red; in the specimen
from which our figure is taken those parts were light yellow, and it did not appear that this difference had
been the effect o f time or death, as in that case there would have been faint traces o f the red colour still
remaining, which there were not. In all probability this bird will require to be separated from the group in
which we have placed it ; but we have deferred assigning to it new generic characters until further acquainted
with the species.
The female is said to differ from the male in the absence of the rich rosy tints which adorn the latter, and in
being of a uniform light brown very slightly clouded with a rosy hue; and in the under surface and wings
being clear Isabella brown.
The male has all the under surface light brown, clouded with clear rose, which is palest on the throat and
round the base of the bill ; crown of the head ash, becoming brown on the nape of the neck ; back, wing-
coverts, rump, and the external edge of the wing and tail-feathers slightly tinged with rose colour.
We have figured a male of the natural size.