■ W A L L C R E E P E R .
Tichodroma phoemcoptera; flemm:)
Oewi* ' TiC'-HODROMÂ, iE
C h a H - MeifJi: v e r y loMjr, slc twwir,, a-Tçluwlj c y l i n d r i c a l , a n e n h j y a t « h e h a s
t^mn!<d M tb«î point. jVrr*iiitftîl{!! !iiis#i?v |>iierce(l howwjiidAfîy,, ¿lakcd,’ partly clo$ç<
n e n s& r a n e . ‘Ibes .three M tr mal u n i t e d at. it* Wi* to l b middle op#» ai
cfeirwj with aa elongate*! Rightly rouwdedl with feeWe shaft». Whmt brj
' WM L h C R E E P E R .
T»si form and plumage o f thk M#wt «&i* bird would iiwltïfts: moat persons to suppose it. a native of a tropical
f • | it is, however, strictly g of j f | | p «&«<*# to» local distribution appears to be confined
exirksweiy to the middle ami ' •... r M m » « f i l » M M most of the smaller birds, it frequents
the naked and précipitons port* a# :* >'!• is’ f?h;vai<sf ifyoWdfiMéi« -!• ■ !<ib ''■*'• die Alps <*/ Switzerland, the Apennines,
03ud Vytt^wieB. Among, these toniiHii$ $ vwb.n. where the rtnifefttg shwi fortresses tire not unfrequent, this
pretty bird w ¡M'Xnu fiittiiîg from rii iWi-'iicii1, eithviîiHîMi *hi; sobfiMlv'' * ‘hi* scene by its presence. In the
choie»: ot its food it is curious mid fetin-ij particfalai'lv partial -to spiders mid their eggs, which with
various species of insects and their larva; coiwtStwtx! its diet : .for these ifc%iheessantly on the search, not however
creeping up and down thé sides o f the rook or the face o f the wall, as is the case with the true Ccrihia,
bat tapping or flitting from one crevice or projection to another; hence we see the tail-feathers feeble and
rx« ta ’niidiiwi ■ ll;; *;.>h »fwiflgy shafts, since they are not required to aid the bird in the sème «tanier as tht y
dsi S i 1Éài|IRWlWp|i#|.|6* C«?»’*!per. 'I’M ¡ipiisp Of its long uukI slender tows 5« peculiarly tertacitoB.* ; the least
Mtijtjbe-'W't;. $Jipfe is ïMrrtW« sutficieuf t\> aiifrii?. * peRito^:-‘<ta:ï;. ''ita&eetieg the habits
iwHSl! fib» '■•'V;» •b*t*d i-n'ntipj't'! u;vh die meiuis Mstowitd ùboiï it, we i.v:»n»ol but see how suitably
M&iifc <#’ 'iiiîittiÿlVîii'àig' *0 *p»aUlV it iW its cntttMNUHtti •Swd^iflA. f t e moult is double, occurring in spring.
;wwi üit! ■.?:»(!. atwi ■ -¡csw'« «re alike in ptauj%t t%, ifii,. * » »a* i!|b breeding season, when the throat o f the
iWlte » bladt, itttfMyK «rf t;M Mad of * soatewbm darker grey. , Before the autumn monte comes fairly
y*'.. î,f',».tî jjps'ii-eMeiiitgJsti, and she Euarking'» disappear ; the two sexes are then vmdistoi-
Tta Vnéadi, mtak, Ss'ijiJ'. nfit^ ftjgiüif tffitffce*' generally are of a delicate grey; the under parts of a darker tint
o f the;.#!«!**, colour; tM ^tiéfë sd' #K wusg -e.,werfcs and the oufer edge of the greater quills for half their
lenglhs, o f » lively crimson , kM fn. -w-lW <$<(•’lM, ^ a iM a llim black, each having two spot* of white «»a the
.hirer wvïï:.. ho as to form « dwu$Mff Imtr !•%•."■ dte w.;»g is expanded: tail black tipped with white ; beak, irides,
and tasm Mack,
We Ik#;.; figured a male and iM. Ai^pMimage, .and of the natural size.