f c O M M K C p
Carduehs eleéans ;
G e n u s
C i B i l i conica]/lo n g e r t
im p r e sseti i
p o in t; culroen o f each majxliUe narrow; tomia o f the upper »iw&dftie angulak
base, tutu slightly smuatat. i :M s l n h basal, lateral, and hidden b y incunibeat
Wings o f mean le n g th ; the first- cptiU-fe&ther father shorter tlnan the secottct an
which are nea rly equal, and the longest o f a ll. '/lufradtershort and forked. Leg
the .tarsi s h o r t; lateral toes o f equal length. Clave o»i»«d and a c u te ; hind toe i
strong, witii the sole broad.
Thx present beautiful , vtiifo 0IUs charac
edh4 Iwi S: from t f i b
idler t
Ovrduelis canicem. ;«ul
kh.cribod species i
am China, slioukl form, we conceive,
which we would exdtsdc | | | Siiyik,
I others which have hitherto been i
The Enropjinu ottctinent appears to he the utmost range of the Goldfinch : it gives priAreine
lands and mountainous districts during winter, particularly such as are wild and barren, and ilflbrd a j
to he observed congregated in small f.ielis, flying thrwigh the air and suddenly settling among its ft
food. When the spring advances and the trees display a verdant appearance, the GtoklSneh eepot
pairs, each it ife taking a mate and quitting the wild and open country for woods, orchards,, and gardi
on the Continent to the rows of fruit-trees that border the road-side. As soon as the foliage become
enough to conceal the; nest, the-task of incubation h commenced: the «« * is placed | | the fork o f a !
and is Of the neatest construction, beine composed of lichens. moss, and dried grasses, ned with
wool, and the seed-down of the willow and thistle ; the eggs are four or live in number,] a. bluish 1
spotted over with dashes o f hs#wt towards the larger end.
The sexes are | | nearly alike ’» ;he eofour ofthrir p lum a g e iliac the diilfev tints . fthf f
difference. The young, until the fiist clumge, m eh*««cto»foi©d by a pfunwg* very diflcrJ
parents, the head being greyish brown, and hmytug imae o f those fam tM .mA eootmted ■
and black which so strikingly ornament the adult: in this sik e o f plmuag« they srej
the London bird-catchcrs, by wlwnu EhiRipand.i ure aniuiailv liiuigh!; ii' J :or |* - •• i.':. .
and the adults, which are taken at every mmrn ttf the ye»c] form« ao is
be acknowledged that the'bird h more in in- «¡Ktisiwf for tbio* :*«-> ••■■■ ■,->.■ ... p f
that of the Lionet or Canary.
The adult has the forehead and cheeks rich orange KCii”'V‘. ; bias'! Shaf: tmW't iNaw tne base o f the beak
»utiic eye, the fop o f the bead, mid occiput, the law . fern»« a » « to Hm c ! « / it and tbc «mint r ft l
checks ; back Mid ski« of the chest olive brown , wings black, tick feather being tipped with white, and the
piatre crossed by a bright band o f ydlqw 1 tail black tipped with white j under mrfatie greyish white j honk
horn-colour; legs and feet flesh-colour,
j In the young the whole o f tiw head, bacjt, and sides of the chest are greyish brown ; the wings M i
: JWMtf o f the adult, except that the band o f yellow is neither so broad nor so bright, and the markings on, rlfo
ii-smg* are brownish white instead of pure white.
The Plate represents a n adult ml a yoinqgj bird o f the* natural sire.
,'iS 1