T IM O I J g C E O S S 1 M K .
Erythrospjza? githagmea.
Pyrrhula githaginea; fT m vm :)
We haws nev'er beeR ai»})! to obtaio map $
habtiat Jh ooiiis<w«B j&b« »òrthesii &&è. ceti
Nubia ¿»yrift, vTheae« it R^i4«H»i«IÌV'iias8
saul to fisit thè islwids o t thè Afclbé^wi,.
thè ‘ 1 lanche« Colorìées/ jsl» "^'eiinninck b
froui wbich our figure is talee» those mrt»
been thè dfeet o f tutte or deafch, as in thal
remaining, wbich therè vrere not. In all m
which ive baie ulaced it ; but we bave defej
svith thè sjsecir«^ '
being ©f a anilbirai ;%<$■ fntvpis.t, s^,« <$ trtn
being dear iwtMbi broWn,.
The male fori#
| S | ih, l.-llSC jj| I ; j t
coverti, nimp, ami f§§ *1 l | § | l Ì