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P y rg ita Petronia.
Le Gros-bec soulcie.
We have followed the example of many previous ornithologists in associating this bird with those forming the
restricted genus Pyrgita, or true Sparrows, although we doubt the propriety o f so doing, as we think that it
possesses peculiar characters, which would entitle it to rank as the type of a separate genus: its strong
conical bill, lengthened wing, and abbreviated tail are not in strict unison with the generic characters of
Pyrgita-, but we have refrained from separating it, being desirous of obtaining further information
respecting its habits and manners, which doubtless differ in many particulars from those o f the Sparrows
the typical form o f which is represented by the common species inhabiting England. Independently of the
characters alluded to as differing from those o f Pyrgita, we may add that in this genns the markings and
colour of the plumage of the sexes are very different, while in the sexes o f the present bird no outward
variations are perceptible.
Dr. Shaw informs us in his General Zoology, vol. ix. part ii. p. 434, that “ this species is found over the
greatest part of Europe, in the southern portions o f which it is migratory, but is nowhere so common as in
Germany. It is not found in this country; it affects woods, and builds in the holes of trees, laying four or
five eggs, and feeds on seeds and insects. These birds are very delicate, as numbers are often found dead in
trees in the winter, during which time they assemble in flocks.”
The top of the head is longitudinally banded with greyish white tinged with yellow, which colour pervades
each of the feathers of the back and upper surface; wings brown; the secondaries and scapularies tipped
with yellowish white; primaries and tail brown with the outer webs margined with yellowish white; the
inner webs of all the feathers o f the latter, except the two middle ones, having a large spot o f white near the
extremity; under surface dusky grey and white, mixed deepest on the flanks; upper mandible brown, lower
one yellow at the base and brown at the tip; irides brown; feet brown.
We have figured a male of the natural size.