Embenza sch ceruculus ¡ fZm tiJ
A i t í^ íH w «
R E E 13
situations tt>'which the Hcsed i
i; though at) certain sime#, «
iudigepoiw b every jtorisba ri‘Europe,
Like dome other species of its genus, its
being characterized during the former sei
white stripe fr< base o f the biH,
g severe wearier, 1$ sfc* 'a-,;u ai
m birds, f r e ^ n tm g at m b 0 ^ § ¿ É
i, in search o f a more abundant supply,
e r é r v portion, at least through t h e w
rl winter plainage exhibits a remarkable
t black head and throat, rendered 'Jiore
in winter the male loses the black pluma > the bead i
from the female! The assumption o f the black colourtng <
at tlie .approach, of the breeding-seaso«, which begins as i
-.Moots of the willow have rendered the reed a.novevt den?
irtheground, on a lowetomp
r six iu
and is then .scarcely 10 bii disting iished
early in spring, and is fully accomplished
oon as a sufficiency o f fresh herbage and (he young
: enough to shelter the nest from observation. The
of willow or auy entangled herbage: the eggs are
1 grey, streaked and spotted’with dark red brown.
The Keed Bunting, is not at all remarkable for its-song, which consists o f only a tew simple notes'delivered
without either energy or execution.
In summer the male has the whole o f the head^ ear-cdverts, and throat black, the two latter being sepa rtttd
by a white strip--, which ext«:;«!* from the base of the. bill to the sides of the neck, where it woe«* w coih.: < if tbr
same.colour extending from the back o f tjke neck; tb:> ¡.’hole o f the upper surface «M'a riofc brown,- the «entre
of c.'-.ch br.’-i.-.g o f a darker Stre ; *foe ■cib- trii Swrthett» im Iril&b ;ed -e ’i brow» 1
Otoe?-feathers largely blotched with white ai. their e/'Yemrir; ttnder «sriae® white ctooded wkh hr»«»-» ; fitoshs
spotted longitudinally with obscure ti . lines : lid black ; feet and leg;« brown.
The female differs from the male hi haring the -««¡eeaiplumage aeor« «fawns-«, .Piai 1» tm*i absence o f
the black bead ¡-.od white collar winch art- 8« ootKpteeo*«.« i&j'soiu-. lit. akomore largetv spotted
with brown, .
Hie Plate represents a male and female in their summer af the natural size.